article on awarness for environment conservation the need of time
The need to spread environmental awareness is enormous in the context of successfully addressing environmental problems. It is linked to environmental education.
On the one hand, provision of environmental education creates greater awareness in individuals and communities with respect to putting environmental resources to use even while conserving them. On the other hand, greater environmental awareness increases the scope of environmental education—as a discipline as well as inclusion of aspects of it within the scope of other disciplines.
Various media and means are used to spread environmental awareness among the people. The electronic media and the print media are the major mediums of spreading information about environment among the populace—educating them about environmental concerns and ways to address these. News, features, talk shows and discussions on television and radio are increasingly focusing on environmental themes of today.
Global warming, air and water pollution, overuse of fertilisers, the negative implication of use of plastics and polythene, conservation of energy and fuel resources, all these are topics of current media debate. Newspapers and magazines too are, one may say, more environment conscious than ever before. Articles and analyses explore the environmental debacle that our globe is headed towards and create awareness in the common man about environmental problems.
Schools and universities play an enormously significant role in generating environmental awareness among children and the youth. Textbooks reveal an increasing concern with environmental problems and solutions and numerous courses are available at the postgraduate level that provide environmental education relating to management and conservation of environment, environmental health, social ecology and so on.
The issue of environmental education has been a major cause of concern. Several national and international seminars, conferences and workshops have stressed the need of environmental education.
The United Nations Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm in 1972 played a key role in the emergence of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The UNESCO held an International Workshop on Environmental Education (ICEE) at Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1975 to identify the guiding principles of promoting environmental awareness education.