English, asked by anirudhvarma5176, 1 year ago

Article on bad uses of internet


Answered by ruchavbk1509

The internet has received much negative news coverage in recent years. Articles focus on major privacy scandals and security breaches, the proliferation of fake news, rampant harmful behaviours like cyber-bullying, cyber-theft, revenge porn, the exchange of child porn and internet predation, internet addiction, and the negative effects of the internet on social relations and social cohesion. Nevertheless, some 87 % of European households have internet access at home, and 65 % use mobile devices to access the internet. Europeans aged 16 to 24 years spend 168 minutes per day on mobile internet, dropping to 30 minutes for 55 to 64-year olds. Around 88 % of 15 to 24-year olds use social media, 80 % on a daily basis.

While the social and economic benefits of the internet cannot be denied, some of these developments can severely affect such European values as equality, respect for human rights and democracy. Technology companies are under increasing pressure to mitigate these harmful effects, and politicians and opinion leaders are advocating drastic measures.

Answered by Anonymous

The Internet is one of the most exciting and powerful inventions of the second half of the 20th century. The reason why it is so powerful is that it provides access to information about almost every aspect of life and allows cross-geographical communication. The Internet allows the richness of textual, graphic and audio information on almost any topic including scientific research, education, economy and politics. The information presented on the Internet responds to people's various desires. As much as the positive impact of Internet is palpable, it is difficult to ignore its negative influences.The Internet can have a negative influence on people's political and social views. Since the Internet is based primarily on Western culture, it propagates Western democratic values and presents democracy as the best type of government. It repudiates political views and governments different from democratic ones. Not infrequently, incorrect or misleading information can be found on the Internet, which can lead to wrong conclusions.The Internet advocates the Western lifestyle and portrays it as superior to any other lifestyle. It also depicts life in the West as that of unrestrained freedom and unlimited possibilities, without presenting all sides of this perspective. The Internet presents cultures other than those of the English language as lacking in the basic freedoms of the West. This can make people believe that life outside of the Western hemisphere is devoid of value and meaning. Because of the widespread availability of information, people become unappreciative of the things they have and desire more and more. The Internet has the potential to corrupt people's minds, change their moral perspectives and ethical values.

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