Article on chaotic state of traffic in metropolitan cities.
Chaotic State of
Traffic in Metropolitan Cities
Traffic, traffic everywhere; with no relief to commuters! Vehicles, vehicles everywhere, honking, spewing heat and poisonous emissions, with hellish din all around. Vehicles were invented for the convenience of man, but see their travesty; they have become a nuisance and a source of so much inconvenience for him! You must be wondering whether vehicles have gone amok. No! It is the foolish man who has gone berserk! Vehicles on their own don't knock anyone down. It is the careless, indifferent man behind the wheel that makes the vehicles behave violently. Driving without care for others' safety is the sole cause of accidents. Added to it is the poor implementation of the traffic rules by the incompetent traffic control department. As a result hundreds of people either get killed or maimed. The government must take stricter actions against the defaulters. People also, while driving must be more vigilant and ensure they follow all the safety rules meticulously.
If there is any country in this big vast world where laws, rules and regulations are flouted so flagrantly, it is India. Such an utter lawlessness prevails everywhere ubiquitously all across India. Nothing is in order! Traffic lights are hardly respected! Traffic rules are not followed in the least!
Have you ever seen long, endless lines of vehicles stuck in traffic snarl ups during peak hours in metropolitan cities in India? You will think you are stuck in hell! Fuel worth millions of rupees get wasted during the snarl ups! Poisonous gases are released in tons into the atmosphere. People get delayed to work! Many patients in transit in ambulances get more critical ─ some even die! Will there be an end to this chaos on roads in metropolitan cities?