English, asked by piddu, 1 year ago

article on clean city healthy city


Answered by srajansethiya
Our health is improved not only by clean air, cycle paths and green areas, but also by proper water management. In the Knowledge Center Healthy Urban Living five knowledge institutes, including RIVM and Deltares, jointly study the possibilities of improving the quality of life in urban areas. 'In summer water cools and water systems can also help to limit the trouble caused by heavy rain.'

How liveable and healthy is the Utrecht region really? The Atlas for the environment drawn up by RIVM already includes some maps that answer this question. For example, maps in which red ('insufficient quality of life') indicate areas in Utrecht where fine dust, noise and radiation are highest and cause trouble. This, in particular, is found at intersections of major roads. The area surrounding Utrecht Central  Station – coloured orange – scores average; a few peripheral areas with woodlands and water are coloured bright green (assessment: 'good'). Water management has not yet been incorporated into this atlas. 'That would be a good addition,' says RIVMadviser Ronald Smetsers. 'Clean surface water, plenty of drinking water, knowing in time where a flood threatens. These aspects also contribute to a healthy environment.' The Deltares Institute creates maps, specialising in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. 'We draw up maps that indicate, for example, where rivers can flood,' says Deltares researcher Hans Gehrels. 'Or maps that show where the water may contain foci of infection.'

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