article on corruption
Corruption is an issue that adversely affects India's economy of central, state and local government agencies. Not only has it held the economy back from reaching new heights, but rampant corruption has stunted the country's development. A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005 recorded that more than 62% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official to get a job done. In a study conducted in 200Transparency International reported that about 50% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services performed by public offices.

by tom 85
from many years ago corruption is in our society .it have many branch and in every field .in ancient teacher told student to bag every home and when they came teacher told him to cut furniture ,make food ,etc not only that they also eat food with them and at last ask anything as a fee .the story of aklavya was an great example of between teacher Student corruption in ancient.people openly corrupted they not only use his finance but also his power in the name of relligon.
now the way of corruption is advanced according to our society .
more developed society more advance corruption.The use his power to corrupt other in office, school even prime minister are also corrupted .they use different techniques to increase his or her wealth not only that now days mother father and children relationship is diminished indirectly we say due to corruption .father force his child to work in small age is also a corruption and his child force him / her in old age is also corruption .
poverty is also due to corruption .few countries like Pakistan no any single government was made since last approx 20 year who was not corrupted eg prawas mushraf ,navaj sharif all are example of it .now the condition of pakistan is very bad country have no finance reach become reacher and poor become poorer .
in our country it is difficult for common people to sand their children in private school they ask donation for the admission of child not only that school fee increase day by day but no new facility .it is also due to corruption .
if we search the reson in our society of bad evill like thief ,dacaoiti quarrel between the people we found it is due to poverty but indirectly due to corruption .
we should avoid corruption by changing own self other definately become change .
faith on your income and power
why you see other finance .it's not your ,don't sale yourself in market you are very precious
corruption is a disease like cancer who eat poor people every day
they first cut his flash then spread salt and chilli in his wound then keep it for long day in his body after
that they eat
it is very panic for poor people
avoid corruption save humanity
walk on it
thank you have a nice day