English, asked by pj8314141, 7 months ago

article on cultural


Answered by adityarajndr


Culture is the identity of a group of people living in specific place; they have their own sketch of life what the culture says they follow that. We have seen that a lot of people do some specific thing they first thought about their culture, what my culture says on this occasion. Especially on the occasion of wedding, and some other celebrating days they follow strictly their culture. Those who do not follow their culture or do some changes in that, they haven’t give any values to them because they are not following their religion.

Different people define culture in different ways, for example “Culture: learned and shared human patterns or models for living; day- to-day living patterns, these patterns and models pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Culture is mankind’s primary adaptive mechanism”1. Another author says that “Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.”2. from these definitions it is clear that both explains the same idea but in different words, says that culture is first learned after learning it is then shared so it’s a common fact that the younger first learn the culture from their elders and when these young become elders they transfer it to the next generation. But the culture learned it includes all the aspects of human interaction and thus it become the mankind’s adoptive mechanism. In the second definition the author says that the culture is the programming of mind so it includes everything related with the mind programming and because of these different minds programming different group of people distinguish from each others.


Culture has its own characteristics; we will discuss some of its characteristics here.








As we discussed earlier that culture are learnt from their elders, culture is not the thing you study for it and you know it but it is just the process you pass from it, after that you will know about the culture. It is just like the thing that inherited in someone nature. All action the action we do like eating, dressing wearing ornaments etc is the result of culture we learned. One author says about learning culture “Babies and children learn about their culture by watching their parents and close family. They copy behavior they have seen and adopt different roles”3 and that’s fact that babies and children learned culture by watching their parents and close family and then they apply these different roles in their Daily life and thus adapt their culture.


Hope this helps you mate ✌️☺️

Answered by shrysngh16


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