English, asked by gayatri4win, 1 year ago

article on development of women is development of nation​


Answered by khavyagopan



1 Introduction: women, nation and national development

(2) Feminists as well as the conservative view of the issue

(3) Women adding not only fruits but also some worries to the Western plate

(4) The need to bring them forward

(5) The situation in the third world countries

(6) Conclusion:

Certainly, a nation comprises of both men and women: in principle, both of the sexes are responsible for the prosperity and development of the state and nation. Unfortunately, in the third world countries women are considered incapable to support the national cause. Some may favor the stance with logic but others have their own philosophy. Those who believe that women ought to have a role to play in national development and progress cite the examples of modern Europe that was once poor and hungry but all their glory has resulted as a consequence of the toil put together by the two sexes. The others suggest that women are neither inferior nor equal to men. According to their philosophy, women should be employed in the fields where they are needed and there ought to be no display of women as an instrument. Though the working of women has yielded much fruit for the Western world, yet they are facing numerous problems in this regard. They had to sacrifice their family life to a certain extent. The mixing of the two sexes brought into existence the unbearable sexual harassment. Fatherless children are found here and there in those developed societies. As a result, the moral and religious values are dying very quickly. This has been a fact that we require women doctors, scientists, nurses, advocates, policemen, judges, legislators etc. to support our national cause. They have got to come out and take their due share. We can not deny them this right because our religion does not prohibit any woman from working. All over the world women have been running different industries and this is to be done by our women. Women are half the population worldwide; therefore, it would be foolish to ingore them while planning for the national development and progress. In the third world countries women have been working esp. in the villages. They are also working in different garment and hand woven fabrics industries. What we need is to make them work as a unit. They ought to be provided with the loans for small industries. We have to guide them and assist them in this regard for national purposes. Conclusion: Certainly, women need to work in a number of institutions like, medical, banking, teaching, judiciary, legislation etc. is and agreed matter so far. We ought not to look at the Western examples rather we should go ahead with our historic, social and religious beliefs because we can ill afford to lose our family structure as have done.We must adopt their strategies for woman work with certain changes in its basic pattern. It means that women should be free to choose whatever profession they opt to within a cautious framework. Our approach to the whole affair should be careful and cautious as well as encouraging.

hope it helps u ...

Answered by khushisin399


Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. Globally, women comprise 43 percent of the world’s agricultural labor force – rising to 70 percent in some countries. For instance, across Africa, 80 percent of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, most of whom are rural women. It’s widely accepted that agriculture can be the engine of growth and poverty reduction in developing nations. Women, notably mothers, play the largest role in decision-making about family meal planning and diet. And, women self-report more often their initiative in preserving child health and nutrition.

role of women in India

The Role of Women as Caretakers

Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges. They are likely to be the prime initiator of outside assistance, and play an important role in facilitating (or hindering) changes in family life.

“Rural women play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income, and improving rural livelihoods and overall well-being.”

– UN Womenwatch Organization

The Role of Women as Educators

The contribution of women to a society’s transition from pre-literate to literate likewise is undeniable. Basic education is key to a nation’s ability to develop and achieve sustainability targets. Research has shown that education can improve agricultural productivity, enhance the status of girls and women, reduce population growth rates, enhance environmental protection, and widely raise the standard of living.

It is the mother in the family who most often urges children of both genders to attend – and stay – in school. The role of women is at the front end of the chain of improvements leading to the family’s, the community’s long-term capacity.

Role of Women in St. Lucia

The Role of Women in the Workforce

Today, the median female share of the global workforce is 45.4 percent. Women’s formal and informal labor can transform a community from a relatively autonomous society to a participant in the national economy. Despite significant obstacles, women’s small businesses in rural developing communities not only can be an extended family’s lifeline, but can form a networked economic foundation for future generations. The role of women in the urban and rural workforce has expanded exponentially in recent decades.

role of women in china

The theme for International Women’s Day 2019 “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change,” was chosen to identify innovative ways to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, accelerating the 2030 Agenda, building momentum for the effective implementation of the new U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Of course, women’s opportunities still lag behind those of men worldwide. But, the historic and current role of women is indisputable.

“When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved for current and future generations.”

– Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women

The Role of Women as Global Volunteers

Global Volunteers’ community development work in host countries worldwide strengthens women’s and children’s capacity and supports their sustained health and development. Under the direction of local leaders, our volunteers help ensure academic accessibility, foster parental involvement, offer psycho-social support, provide nutrition and health education, fund girls’ scholarships, construct schools with girls’ bathrooms, tutor literacy, and numeracy, and so much more. Contact us using the form below to learn how you can contribute to this critical agenda.

To learn more about the vital role of women in the world, read Women and the Sustainable Development Goals.


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