Art, asked by arshita93, 9 months ago

Article on dream big and achieve it with a draw​


Answered by AwenKhan




And dream high',

For Dream Lead To Thoughts


Thoughts Lead To Action

Answered by ishwarikadu14

Goals like getting in better shape or starting a business aren’t as difficult to achieve as you think. In fact, they’re only a picturing process away.

Goal-setting often stalls because we have so much data filling our brain that it gets overloaded and can’t remember what to focus on, but when you DRAW a picture of what you desire, you remember it better by 65%!

Add into your success quotient the chemistry your body makes when you are imagining and drawing—that serotonin/oxytocin elixir helps guide that pattern-making brain of yours into focusing on what you want.

But don’t just take my word for it—try it yourself!

On the left side of a blank page write and draw the current state of your life—all the good, the challenging, everything. Not as a list though, because list making gets your left-brain involved, and that makes for routine, not creativity.

Next, keep the analytical left side of your brain calm by telling it you are about to use your imagination…and envision it is one-year from today IN THE BEST CASE SCENARIO. In that desired new reality, imagine that perfect job or fantastic relationship. What is your life like? As fast as you can, write and draw that new life on the right side of the page. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imaginary, so it’s important to dream big!

Assess both where you are now, and where you want to be. Close your eyes and ask that deeper you, “What are the three boldest things I can do to get from here to there?” Then immediately write down your thoughts because great insights only last 30 seconds unless you capture them!

Finally, break those big bold steps down into simple actions—and do something every day to actualize them. Place your drawing in a VISIBLE spot and consistently daydream pieces of it to stay inspired. You’ll be surprised how quickly you turn your vision into reality—it’s only a picture away.

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