English, asked by yso, 1 year ago

article on education is the key to self development ​


Answered by jasmeenkaur072004


If you want to live the life you want, or if you want to grow and experience life to the fullest; You need to take your own education and learning into your own hands.

Am not referring to the traditional educational system, I am referring to self-education. That is, teaching yourself to learn a particular skill on your own.

A lot of people are stuck in the myth that to in order to learn something you need to be educated on it even when you’re perfectly able to educate yourself. They are a lot of individuals who have proved that not only is it possible to self-educate at difficult things but it is possible to also excel at them.

Some well-known people who have done this include Jimmy Hendrix, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Alexander Graham Bell, Ernest Hemmingway, Richard Branson, and Thomas Edison.

These people, and more, proved it’s possible to become proficient and successful in many fields just by teaching themselves, and there is no reason why you can’t do the same.

Self-education has a number of benefits. Self-education can free you from a job you hate, from a college major you aren’t excited about, and it will definitely be a core skill for the 21st century. Self-education is good for just about any branch of knowledge or skills you want to acquire.

My self-education has been fairly broad. I taught myself a bit of the programming language (at least just enough to design a simple website).I learned the music theory and in the process learned how to play the guitar and the piano. I self-taught 10 out of 14 courses of the ACCA professional accountancy program. I am currently learning of how to professionally write, how to grow a business, and a few other things . And I still want to learn so much more.

From my experience, self-education can be delightful and exasperating at the same time. If you go about it correctly, you can teach yourself anything in just a few months. Poorly applied, however, self-education can be a stressful nightmare.

In this age, it is very easy to obtain the information you need to learn almost any particular skill. But unfortunately, few people take full advantage of the opportunity they have for self-directed learning.

If you are one of the few that would like to learn a particular skill by yourself maybe my process would of help to you. This strategy is just one possibility. If you’ve found success with another, by all means, go ahead!

Believe you can do it.

The first thing that I do is get rid of all the mental barriers. This is an important part in the process, because this is where it all begins.

If you don’t believe you can learn the skill, then as soon as you face an obstacle you will give up.

Believing that I am capable of learning a difficult skill on my own also supplies me with the necessary motivation to get started.

Whether you believe you can do it or not, may very well determine if you will successfully learn or not.

Know the end

Be specific on what you want to learn.

Visualize what you want to achieve in the end. What is it that you want to be? Do you want to learn just enough to get by, or do you want to be an expert at it?

My best efforts at self-education have always had specific applications. The more precise the requirements of my knowledge, the faster I could learn.

Knowing the end also plays the role of determining just how much effort you will put in and how much time you want to assign to the task at hand.

Get yourself ‘how to’s’

If you’re reading this then you have access to the internet.

That means you also have access to enough free or paid for manuals to help you with the theory part of your learning.

The internet has a number of articles and scattered resources that can help build a solid foundation. There are hundreds of how-to books on every skill and branch of knowledge you can think of, like seriously, there is even a book on how to start a how to task (just kidding, I need to check if that exists though).

Books can give you a foundation that trial-and-error cannot. If you need visual instructions YouTube is a great place to find useful videos.

The ‘how to’ materials are great tools that will help you learn faster, rather than you using the trial and error method.

Get the necessary tools and identify the prerequisite skills

Find out what tools you need learn the skill you want to learn.

For example, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, you need a guitar and a tuner to get you started. Blogging requires basic computer, writing and marketing skills. Mathematical skills require a calculator and texts books. Know what background skills you need before you start, so you can pick them up before or while you try to master your skill.

Get prepared before your journey even begins. It will save you a lot of time and it will help you not to lose your motivation because you do not have what to work with.

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