Science, asked by KetanChahal, 11 months ago

article on future of it in india


Answered by foradityamp96pjw
hi here is Ur answer
With the global ecosystem of the IT sector undergoing significant changes in the last couple of months, what lies ahead for Indias growing talent pool of IT professionals?

The Indian IT talent space is currently in a state of flux. The growing ambiguity regarding the future of H1-B visas has just been an addition to the long list of problems that technical talent within the country has faced over the years in finding the right break. The industry has been a major contributor to the Indian economy. Directly or indirectly, the sector contributes around 10 percent to the gross domestic product, nearly 25 percent of exports, and employs over 13 million people. Smaller IT firms account for about 60% of this contribution, while women make up around 35 percent of the industry’s workforce, making it one of the most diversity-friendly sectors in India. India is currently the world’s largest global sourcing destination with around 3.7 million people directly employed by the IT-ITeS industry. 

A summation of multiple forces both technological and socio-political in nature, have impacted the Indian IT industry in recent times. The big four companies of the IT industry, that heart that pumps jobs creation and within the sector, have year on year shown a decline in their total number of hires. 

The problematic aspects

The IT sector has been one of the cornerstones of India’s growth story in the services industry. But this growth rate, off late, has started showing signs of wavering consistency. The growth rate of the industry has shown what is almost a steady decline (from 13.8 percent in 2013-14 to 10.3 percent 2015-16. In the current year, Nasscom estimates growth to be 8-10 percent). This drop in growth rate has consequently been reflected in the hiring potential of many these IT companies in recent times.  In a report Goldman Sachs has suggested a probable slowdown of the of the growing IT sector in India. Owing to protectionist policies around job creation that have recently found increasing favorability in countries like the US and the UK, many speculate the problem will only get worse moving ahead. As the cost incurred on visas for local talent working in the US increases, most companies will find it directly impacting their bottom line performance, slowly but surely eating into the profit margins that most these companies face (according to one estimate, over 60 percent of the revenue of the $150-billion-plus Indian IT industry is from exports to the US). And this would remain the case if the companies within the sector fail to innovate both their business models and the way the develop and re-skill their existing talent.

The other critical factor that has impacted the potential to create jobs within this industry has been the shift towards using newer technologies like AI and automation. In one of the findings by the World Bank, the urgency of this factor has been highlighted. This is reflected in its estimate that around 69 percent of jobs stand threatened due to automation in India. The report mentions that the current technology could “potentially disrupt the pattern of the traditional economic path in developing countries.”  Although this consists of the entire pool of employable skills that might be replaced as a result of automation, IT functions are sure at the forefront of facing such an incoming impact. A recent TCS study revealed that in the coming years, AI is bound to become an essential component of the many IT companies function, going on to establish a direct business impact. This shift towards AI the use of AI and automation along with its impact on India’s core contribution to the global talent pool of skilled technical professionals remains to be seen. But this surely has created a flutter within major IT players who are looking for new ways to adapt to such incoming changes. 

The impact on the ever growing pool of IT talent 

Every change comes with establishing new parameters of looking at opportunities. The same might be the case with the evolving IT industry in India. The impact on traditional job roles is bound to amplify as the time goes on but this would mean that the demand for newer technical skills would rise. More number of third party IT consulting and servicing companies are coming up. According to the Gartner's annual global survey of CIOs that found the average IT budgets in India is expected to grow 10.7 percent in 2017. This new impetus is slow, to begin with, as the survey still mentions the top concern for CIOs still remains the search for quality IT talent. The high rates of attrition within the IT industry has also been partially due to the reason that academia still hasn’t responded to change in demanded skill sets; a problem which is bound to get acuter as time progresses.   

Answered by Toshika43

We can very well imagine the Future of India by observing the inherent tendencies, and correctly reading into the psychology of today’s children.

The children of today would be fathers of tomorrow, who are being nurtured into the wombs of formal and informal agencies of education. There is ample scope for making generalizations though impartial and penetrating observation.

Under conditions and circumstances prevalent today, it needs not merely guess-work or astrologer’s remarks to reflect the future image of India, but a logical inference derived from a sound reasoning, an act fairly difficult but not impossible.

India is clearly focusing on the standard of education . It would be an era of mass intelligence more high level. People will not let loose their minds to be devil’s workshop. Scientific education will enable them to transforming the knowledge of power into good experience.

Changed and improved system of education will change our angle of approach to the condition of women in India. Such an education is sure to inculcate a sense of responsibility, love and respect for the daughters of India. Moreover, they will participate hand to hand with men in all walks of life honorably, proportionate to that of the educated men. Most of the women will be socially and economically independent of their husbands. They will work in factories and offices.

There will be a mass awakening to give importance to family-planning and practice methods of birth control. People will exercise birth control methods to reduce density of excessive population, to eliminate poverty, to improved the standard of living and promote healthy life, and to stop infant mortality.

Mangalyaan is an India spacecraft which is orbiting Mars. India has a powerful navy, air-force and standing army. India will make the best and utmost use of its power for self-defense and peaceful purposes.

The gigantic power will be molded and channelized for beneficial applications to eliminate unemployment, poverty, hunger, violence, inequality, injustice and misery of millions.

The Information Technology revolution will completely turn the political, economic, social, cultural, intellectual and emotional life of will create new means of employment.

Automation will enable us to substitute human labor both physical and mental by machines. A number of new industries will be established and time and labor saving devices will be installed for the purpose of rationalizing the old industries. Raw materials and transport facilities for the disposal of finished goods will be enough. Cottage industries will gain momentum, and power will be supplied at cheaper rates, so as to enable them to compete with large-scale and heavy industries.

The Future of India is bright in the matter and manner of economic planning. As a result of this, there will be a good deal of dimensional increase in national wealth and per capita income so as to raise the standard of living in the country. Rapid industrialization will press forward the development of basic and heavy industries. Employment opportunities will be copious and inequalities in income and wealth well be considerably reduced. Thus distribution of economic power will be fair and even.

The Indian Society will witness equality of opportunities, increased production, and elimination of social and economic disadvantages, increased efficiency and full utilization of all available and conceivable resources. People will be able to attain the fully developed height of personality and the highest position in the society.

In such a society there will be no ignorance, superstition and other social evils as are ingrained today. No section of society will be a victim of exploitation or tyranny. The people of Future India will not suffer from the attitude pertaining to caste, community, religion or sex. They will be a great people of great land.
mark it as brainlist pls

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