article on give colours to imagination and paint the world
Here the answer my friend
It is a challenge to try to capture with painted brushstrokes, something that is moving and changing all the time; the shifting clouds, reflections and colours; every second the landscape is changing and made new by subtle transformations
The experience of making something from raw materials is a simple and fundamental one. The coldness of clay, the smell of linseed oil, the familiar feel of wooden tools or brushes connect you to the elements. Over time the process of choosing the right colour and quality of paint becomes unconscious and instinctive. During painting hundreds of decisions are made – from minute changes to complete destruction of previous work.
The painting becomes a vehicle for ideas and feelings that are explored on an unconscious level during the building of layers. Painting helps to bring ‘feeling’ into a deeper and more universal realm.
When painting, I look for suggestions of shape and form within the background, almost like an archaeological dig, pulling the images out that emerge and then create a scene. This is an exciting way of working. Somehow you have to give yourself up to the process… and then the painting reveals itself.
You will get an idea and motivation with this picture