English, asked by aayushantil2, 2 months ago

Article on hard work key to sucess​


Answered by bhupathlete03


hard work is the key to success essayHard work is the most important key to success. Achievements without hard work are impossible. An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for a better opportunity to come. The person who is working hard is able to gain success and happiness in life. Nothing is easy to be achieved in life without doing any hard work.

The Edison was working for 21 hours a day, and he sleeps only for 2 or 3 hours on the laboratory tables with his books as his pillow. The prime minister of India late Pt. Nehru, he was working for 17 hours a day and seven days a week. There were no holidays on his calendar. The Mahatma Gandhi Ji worked ceaselessly day and night and he won freedom for his country. The hard work is a price that we pay for success in life.

America’s famous president Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in the forest. He could not afford a lamp and read borrowed books with the light of the fire in the hearth. And yet by dint of hard work, he rose to be the greatest man of his time. Stalin, the late prime minister of Russia, was the son of a mere cobbler.


Hope it will help you....

Answered by myabro3687


Everyone has faced challenges of some type, whether it was a health issue, a failed personal initiative, or financial difficulties. Perseverance is required to obtain success. If you sit and wait for a better opportunity to come along, you will never gain anything. Working hard allows a person to achieve success and fulfillment in life. Nothing in life is simple to attain without putting in the effort. The way I realized the meaning of failure is something I'll never forget about 2020.

Covid was at its pinnacle in the year 2020. 2020 was a hard year for many. I was a completely online student, and I thought this year would be a breeze. I knew I was a visual learner, but I figured I could just do what I always did and pass without studying.

I was quite disappointed with the results of the first semester exams because I failed one of the subjects. This became one of my life's challenges, and I worked really hard in my studies. I attended in-person lessons and was assigned a tutor. I also asked the teacher for extra credit and the students for assistance via email. I received an A in all of my subjects in the second-semester exams. There is a quote I live by that goes like this “ What a man earns by the sweat of his brow gives him a greater degree of satisfaction than what he gets by a stroke of fortune. The man wishes to have many things in their life. These latter things acquired by hard toil are much more than those get by accident. When a man earns by dint of toil; he enjoys a pleasurable sensation that is equivalent to the joy of having won a victory. Of this pleasurable sensation, the man who has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth knows nothing. A self-made man is certainly happier and more esteemed than the man who owes his fortune to the accident of his birth.” My parents were likewise relieved to find that I had learned a valuable lesson from my ordeal.

Study diligently, and if at all possible, take all in-person classes. This occurrence demonstrated my potential. I had the ability to accomplish goals. I learned to be determined after my first failure. I don't regret failing since I wouldn't have recognized my abilities to work hard for something I care about if I hadn't.



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