article on home the safest place
To flourish, we all need a safe place -- both physically and emotionally -- to come home to. If children are to turn their full attention to the many demands of growing up, they need a secure, solid home where they feel protected. They need to feel we can keep them safe: from the neighborhood bully, from kidnappers, from terrorists.
And no matter how independent they are as they pursue their interests outside the home, kids need to know they can count on the presence of their parents when they get home. Your children would rather be with you than do anything else in the world for a very long time. Even after they start having sleepovers and marathon baseball games, when they come home they want two things: a safe place
Our Homes Will Save Our Lives in Times of Crisis
Before the Corona scare, did we ever think how owning a home would be so critical for our safety? The freedom to do whatever one wants to in one’s own home breeds a deep sense of security – a feeling so important at a time that is fraught with anxiety. The support system of a friendly neighbourhood adds to this sense of positivity.
The present situation also calls for certain adjustments in our daily routine as we spend more time with ourselves. Here some tips to make your relationship with yourself fruitful and will also help you to stay safe:
Wash Your Hands – You already know about this one!
Stay Informed – Keep a track of new updates from WHO and local authorities.
Care for Your Immediate Community – For a disease that spreads in geometric progression, it is like this – for every person you don’t infect, you save hundreds of people from being infected. Stay at your home!
Be Generous – show empathy towards those who will be most inconvenienced by this disease.
Reignite a Hobby – Staying happy is important. Take up a past hobby; read, sing, grow a kitchen garden.
Coronavirus crisis has forced us to see that homes are not only made of bricks and mortar – they have a soul. Aren’t we lucky to have a home to run back to safety? Doesn’t this stay-at-home order remind us of our childhood, when terrified of something sinister, we used to run home to Ma’s lap, looking for a safe haven?
Your home is always the place for you to take shelter amidst the love and care of your family. The feeling of the definite assurance of a roof over the head is priceless.
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