article on importance of holidays in students life
Psychology says a human developemrnt depends on nature and nuture.
nature refers to the genetics and nuture refers to environment
HOLIDAYS plays really really an important role let me try to explain few factual and practical things.holidays are most important part of a student's life that gives a student break from the academic stress and make the student to learn new things if holidays are utilised in a proper way other than academics there are lot of things to learn in life there are lot of places to to go and learn new things from the environment for example a student can go out visiting place lets be more simple and practical a student in holiday visits his/her grandparents or any relative place which is new he/she will be able to learn new life skill from there often he/she may get more environmental knowledge in an different example we can take a student who take membership of some sport activity he / she can learn new things by learning.a student can also be a part of some camp or adventure activity which helps students to focus on things other then acadamics.MOREOVER HOLIDAYS places a role of enlightening student as academics only can't make so much impact in learning going out exploring things in real will make a true knowledageble student in real prospectives for this one have to use the holidays in a proper way.
there is no importance of holidays in students life rather school days and tour days are very much necessary inorder to make students'future more bright.