English, asked by prayas22, 1 year ago

article on india future in darkness


Answered by ishika8861
Hey friend here is your answer

I can't able to give u article but some points that u can add in your article

India future in dark because
.still many people not understand value of water and waste water.

. polluted water and environment.

.or corruption

.wasting food.

.every child not get education

but in last write factors that can change dark future in bright future.

hope it help you^_^
Answered by TheLostMonk
√••India's future is not in darkness ,it's bright .
√•••because India is growing economy,and growing more rapidly now than before.india's GDP is growing at the rate of about 7.5% per annum , which is the highest growth rate of GDP among top major countries like USA, China etc.

√••India has 65% people below 35 ,it means India has largest workforce in the world which will contribute to the development of India.

√•••And other countries like China, USA , is getting old day by day , and their economy is also collapasing rapidly , as we know that America and China were growing at the rate of 10-15% per annum in the last 10 years but now their economy is shrinking and growing at the rate of 6.5% and 4.2 % per annum.

India has workforce ,it has potential to grow and now India improving its infrastructure rapidly as well.

√•••In future we will see a great boost in India's growth because it has potential to grow.
as per IMF, and World bank reports of 2017 , India will be second largest economy in the world by 2050 with GDP $44 trillion after China with $ 58 trillion .

√•••and some economic scholars saying that India will be next super power not China ,this is because china is already a developed country and it getting old day by day or in other hand India is developing country and has potential to grow more than china.

√•••a NEW INDIA is in progress ,and our duty is to contribute in its development story.




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