Article on inhuman custom of female infanticide and child labour
It is extremely sad that in a country like India – a country that is the land of the saints, such a practice as female infanticide exists. Asian countries namely, China, India and South Korea bear the maximum grunt of this evil with the population showing an alarming rate of men to women ratio. The sex ratio of these countries is actually deteriorating.
In India, it is well known that couples are inclined towards male children, as unlike girls, boys can share the burden of running the household from a young age. Another evil is ‘dowry’ because of which, in many parts of India, families favour boys.
As cited above, the prevalence of making boys work from a young age is what encourages child labour. Poor and illiterate parents have no qualms about sending the young male members of the family to work. The large unorganized sector of small and medium industries also contributes to this menace by hiring minors with minimum wage. The government is not vigilant enough when it comes to child labour, as a result of which it is flourishing.