English, asked by www7, 1 year ago

article on judicious use of water


Answered by Happy37
Judicious Use of water ResourcesCompiled by Batta Nidhi*AbstractWater resources of a country consist of both the surface water and the ground waterresources. The per capita water availability of India is decreasing due to ever increasing population Agriculture utilizes nearly 70% and 80% of available water resources in India andPunjab respectively During the last few decades there has been a spectacular development inagriculture in India especially in Punjab due to Green Revolution, which enables Punjab tocontribute largely in Nation’s food grain production. The state has developed its waterresources by laying irrigation canals. The ground water resources are also being utilizedindiscriminately. This causes water table decline in certain parts of Punjab and water tablerise in other parts along with water pollution. The paper discusses the problems related towater use in Punjab. It describes the various techniques to use the water judiciously such ascanal water management, on farm water management, conjunctive use of water, artificial recharge of ground water etc

Of all the planet’s renewable resources water has a unique place. It is essential for sustaining all forms of life, food production, economic development andfor general well being. Water resources consists of both surface water and ground waterresources. The main source of all the water resources is the precipitation in the form of snowand rainfall. The surface water available in the form of canal water is tapped by constructingdam and reservoirs across the river at suitable locations. At some places surface water is alsotapped by constructing small harvesting dams across the choes. The seepage from the surfacecanal network, deep percolation of rainwater, return flow from surface irrigation form the part of ground water resources. The surface and ground water resources of the country playsa major role in agriculture, hydropower generation, livestock production, industrialactivities, forestry, fisheries, navigation, recreational activities, etc. In India 70 % of thewater resources are used for agriculture The table 1 shows the per capita per year availabilityand utilizable surface water in India. .The availability of water in India shows wide spatialand temporal variations. Hence the general situation of availability of per capita availabilityis much alarming. The map 1. shows the stage of ground water development in India. It isclear from the map that Punjab is one of the states where the ground water development is maximum.
WaterWater is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain, and isthe major constituent of the fluids of living things. As a chemical compound, awatermoleculecontains one oxygenand two hydrogen atomsthat are connected bycovalent bonds. Water is a liquidat standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often co-existson Earthwith its solidstate, ice; and gaseousstate, steam(water vapor).Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface.[1] It is vital for all known forms of  life. On Earth,96.5% of the planet's water is found in seas and oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in
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