Article on malnourished children a doomed future for india
India is one of the fastest growing nation in the world. But, India is also the country where 2 million children are born each year and do not live beyond 5 years. According to International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)’s Global Hunger Index, India ranks International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)’s Global Hunger Index, India ranks 63rd based on 3 factors – child mortality rate, undernourishment and underweight children.
Nutrition is essential for human development and well being. Malnutrition is the main reason for 50% death of children below 5 years in India. The reasons for malnutrition include poverty, inaccessibility and lack of knowledge of nutritious food, inadequate food and improper infant and child feeding practices. Malnutrition has spread across the nation and needs to be treated as soon as possible. There is an immediate need for the state and central governments and the community to accept Malnutrition as a threat to the Indian economy.