Article on "many culture one world'
1 Family and Friends 28
Fred Pearce, “TV as Birth Control” India/Mexico/Brazil 30
A science writer describes surprising connections between TV programs and
population size.
Joe Bageant, “Valley of the Gun” United States 38
The author remembers how learning to hunt and the role that guns played in
his childhood gave him a sense of belonging to his family.
Meeta Kaur, “Journey by Inner Light” India/United States 43
A young woman relates the traumatic effects of having her hair cut and thus
alienating her traditional Sikh family.
Neal Gabler, “The Social Networks” United States 53
A media critic wonders if the emphasis on happy families and friends gather-
ing on television conceals a lonely reality.
Gary Shteyngart, “Sixty-Nine Cents” Russia/United States 57
The Russian-born novelist relates his ambivalence when his family took him
to Disney World.
Dr. Rose Ihedigbo, “Sandals in the Snow” Nigeria/United States 61
The Nigerian-born writer describes the values that kept her family together in
the United States.
Connecting Cultures 68
2 Life Experiences 69
Sucheng Chan, “You’re Short, Besides!” China/United States 71
The Chinese-American author’s humor and courage in confronting
and overcoming personal infirmities emerge from this account.
Enid Schildkrout, “Body Art as Visual Language” United States 79
A curator of the American Museum of Natural History describes how body
art has expressed symbols and social values in many cultures.