article on mobile phone....virtue or vice
As a tech writer who has written regularly about apps, I’m well aware of the addictive nature of smartphones. It was during a 2am panic attack after waking up, reaching for my smartphone and reading a tweetstorm about the latest Donald Trump controversy that I realised I may have a problem. That, and the fact that even my 10-year-old son had started telling me to put my phone down when he caught me not paying attention.
I’m not alone. When Deloitte surveyed 4,150 British adults in 2017 about their mobile habits, 38% said they thought they were using their smartphone too much. Among 16- to 24-year-olds, that rose to more than half. Habits such as checking apps in the hour before we go to sleep (79% of us do this, according to the study) or within 15 minutes of waking up (55%) may be taking their toll on our mental health.
......... . .. Mobile phones ......
The mobile phone is a device that is used to make calls or to send messages to our near and dear ones. But there are both uses and abuses of mobile phones. Now a day the use of the mobile phones is not only to make calls or send SMS. In addition to that Mobile phone is used to listen to songs, watch movies, play online games, browse the internet, calculate things, etc.
√ Advantages of mobile phones
Small and Convenient
Photos and Video
Fashion and Self-Expression
Notes and Reminders
Video in Real Time
Calendars and Organization
Maps, Navigation, and Travel
√ Disadvantages of mobile phone
Constantly Distracting
Socially Disruptive
Battery Power Keeps Running Out
The Workday Never Finishes
Photos and Video Mean No Privacy
Constant Expense
Another Thing to Carry Around
If You Lose Your Phone, You Lose Your Life
The Screen is too Small
NeoReaper (muffin)