English, asked by shariq984, 1 year ago

Article on My favourite star of the sky


Answered by mahira15


The star that is older than the universe

We’re talking about HD 140283, also known as the Methuselah star. Methuselah was a biblical figure said to have lived 969 years. This star has been alive for a bit longer. HD 140283 is older than the universe. This seems impossible, and it kind of is.


It all depends on modern day calculations. When calculating the age of a star, we use limits. The age of the universe we know pretty well; 19.79 billion years, with a limit of 0.021. Methuselah is estimated to be 14.46 billion years old, with a limit of 0.8. So if we use the lower limit, this star is 13.66 billion years old, which is younger than the universe.

So we don’t know for sure, but it could well be, that this star was around before the universe was here.

Answered by ishu8424


a written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine. an individual object, member, or portion of a class; an item or particular: an article of food;articles of clothing

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