article on need of strict safety norms in school
Keeping schools safe allows children to look forward to being in an encouraging environment that promotes social and creative learning. When their basic safety needs aren't met, children are at risk for not feeling comfortable at school and may stop showing up, or they may remain on edge throughout the day. Promoting school safety creates an open space for kids to explore, learn and grow.
Keeping Children Safe at School
A safe learning environment is essential for students of all ages. Without it they are unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future. When violence is part of the educational setting, all students are affected in some way. Even though your child may not be the actual victim of violence in school, there is a very good chance that he or she will witness violent acts throughout the educational years. Research continues to illustrate children who feel unsafe at school perform worse academically and are more at risk for getting involved in drugs and delinquency.
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The issue of school safety is a major concern at all levels of government, from local to federal. School boards meet with teachers and parents to listen to their concerns and suggest solutions. State and federal governments are taking steps to improve school safety and law enforcement as the nation realizes the importance of this issue and how it impacts children's futures.
Increased Violence in Schools
boy being bullied
Although there are experts that say violence has always existed in schools, many are concerned about the increased number of violent acts taking place there. Some even argue violence in certain areas has reached epidemic proportions, desensitizing many students and leaving them feeling violence is a normal part of their school life. Sadly, violent acts in schools occur at all educational levels with 8 percent of students reporting they have been involved in at least one physical fight at school, and 6 percent reporting missing school at least once in a month long survey period because they did not feel safe.
Every child should feel safe from violence in their school, yet there are many that do not. Today, it is not unusual for students to violently attack other students, teachers, security guards, and school personnel, showing a complete lack of respect for authority. These attacks often result in injury and at times, death. Witnessing these acts can also cause intense fear and anxiety within other students as well as staff members, making the school environment a psychologically distressing place to be.
Schools are the second homes of the children. The children stay in schools for more than six hours each day. They learn and explore many new things there. It is a place which needs to be under strict safety norms. The rules and regulations of the schools should be under strict rules to make the child and its parents feel safe about sending their child to the school. The safety norms need to be strict and should be strictly followed by each student, teacher and staff members.