Article on planting a tree
One of the most precious gifts of nature is trees and plants. These give us fruits, flowers, wood, bamboo, fuel, etc. Many
do things. Life is incomplete without trees or say life is impossible. This tree
is green in the world because of the trees . And because of these, we are alive today. Human beings along with
animals and birds, their lives also depend on trees and plants. Animals eat only grass and leaves of trees
Man gets food from these and without our food our life is impossible.
That means without tree plants our life is impossible. Plants give us oxygen which
is essential for our lives . Along with this, carbon dioxide absorbs. Many people are
financially dependent on trees and plants to live their life . If given the paper, the match industry
runs through the tree plant . From tree plants we can control the noise pollution and air pollution.
As well as trees and plants are also the cause of rainfall. Trees and trees
do not serve us for years only . Through them we can escape the sudden flood. Tree
communities are also very important for wild animals . Animals living in the forest
take the help of trees to avoid winter, heat and rain . Because the tree is the cause of rain and water to make the soil fertile
It is very important to be
Without tree plants, our life is impossible
Similarly, we can say that tree is very important for making the land fertile.
And the tree that gives us the fruits as if it is boon for us. Tree plants make our
earth colorful, their greenery and flowers color four moons in the beauty of the earth.
There are many tree plants that protect us from many diseases. Similarly, Neem tree
can not count its benefits, neem leaves juice, seeds, stems, all are useful
Neem protects us from diseases in our body.
There are many tree plants that make medicines that are very useful to us. That is why tree
plants are God's gift to us, which we should save. But nowadays people
are cutting their eggs instead of raising the number of trees, which is very bad. We
should save the trees and prevent deforestation.
Save trees, plant trees, make life healthy.
hope it helps you...
Tree plantation is significant in the current age of climate change and global warming. Trees take in the carbon dioxide as well as many toxics and give out clean oxygen for all living things to breathe. Trees prevent the soil from getting eroded and danged during rains. They hold the soil together with its roots