article on plastic and modern age
Modern times is without plastic unimaginable. . Which, for the most part, is made of plastics. Plastic is found in every area of life of people, at work and at home. Plastic has, without doubt, crucial advantages compared to other materials. Crude oil is the raw material and can be used cheaply and varied.
Plastic has a long life. Left to itself, it rots in about 300 years. In contrast, wood needs plenty of living space and needs decades before can be industrially processes. The biggest advantage of wood is the fact, that grows constantly. Although, this depends on whether we allow the trees to grow. The speed in which the forests are decimated is horrific. It is, supposedly, better now, compared to the past. But still, now we have to replace also the forest, which has been destroyed in the past. The task of the forest as the lung of the earth, is too important and therefore trees should be planted and not be lumbered.
For the extraction of ores and minerals whole areas are literally destroyed!
The durability of iron, if left up themselves, much lower than plastic. Eventually it corrodes. However, iron goods were found by archaeologists from the end of the Stone Age*.