English, asked by Lizonmatthew7277, 1 year ago

Article on poverty is the causes of all evils


Answered by Blue14

Poverty is parent of all evils

The saying a hungry man is an angry man has always been the true reflection of what mankind is capable of; once the biological and basic need for food, water, shelter and other necessities are not attended.

Poverty, scarcity or poorness is the lack of income source to buy basic necessities of life. In some cases it is not only the state of having income that is below the line of poverty but it is also the inability to sustain a specified level of well being.

As the margin of the rich and the poor widens, global poverty today has increased drastically. In today’s global village it has become the root cause of all evils, because it has the power and the ability to make people compromise their once held and respected moral values, cultures and religious beliefs. Poverty has created a new race of people with common marks of frustrations, loss of hope, prospects and value for life.

Poverty which knows no border has pushed societies to lose human hearts and compassion for others, if one is hungry, illegal means will be opted for solution. Life becomes the survival of the fittest. In order to survive; people engage in all sorts of crimes; including fraud, money laundering, drug trafficking, sex trade and corruption.

The fact is that it is poverty and greed that breeds corruption, so it goes without saying that where poverty is alleviated, corrupt practices would be alleviated as well; in other words poverty is a cause of corruption while corruption is the consequence of poverty and loss of moral values. The high level of poverty has resulted in many social problems including street kids. These kids are directly exposed to various types of risks and hazards depending on the socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhood where poverty reigns.

The solution to all these antisocial activities is in the creation of a sound economic and social structure. The person who is indulged to crimes and is labeled as a criminal by the society might be a genius if he had been brought up in a healthy environment. The child who is despised as a thief and is ill-treated by the society might have been an honest and respected man if he had received sympathy by the society in the early part of his life.

It is the duty of the government to help those unfortunate ones who cannot maintain a balanced life by providing them with jobs so they could earn an income to reach that specific level of well-being and again it is also the job of the society to treat them with kindness and provide them sympathy.

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