article on power of media
In general, “media” refers to the tools of mass communication. Media today consists of television, Internet, cinema, newspapers, radio, magazines, direct mail, fax, and the telephone. Viewers can see some form of pictorial representation of messages through certain types of broadcasting and advertising. Images are visual representations, pictures, graphics, and include video, movies. Images are very useful in media to help get across messages effectively.
Media images are ubiquitous in modern society. We know this because when we go almost anywhere, for example, drive on the roads, we can see billboards promoting famous brands and the latest products. When we are attracted to advertisements, we may begin to imagine or visualize using it. The media can give us information to tell us what a product, service or message is. In fact, media influence has become so powerful today that they can easily influence people positively and/or negatively. We also live in a society that depends on the media as a source of entertainment and information. Indeed, the media images affect both individuals and society which includes women, men, teenagers and younger children.
Today, our life will remain incomplete without media. For example, it provides an easy means of communication where people are able to contact friends and family from another side of the world. At the same time, media like television, radio and the Internet enhance our knowledge by providing access to information from all over the world. We can also receive different types of news or daily events through media, almost instantly, for example, through the Internet. For example, when the video of people protesting on the streets of Cairo in Egypt to change the government in Egypt was broadcast over the Worldwide Web, these images actually influenced more people from other countries to join the street protests in support of the Egyptian protesters. Something similar happened in 2010 in Thailand where the ‘Red’ Shirts protested in the streets to oppose and change the Thai government. The Thai government then had supporters who wore the ‘Yellow’ Shirts, and also marched in the streets. These kinds of images when seen on TV, newspapers or the Internet by individuals and “society” in general, can influence viewers to either support or not support those who are in power.It plays a pivotal role in exposing corruption and creating public Awareness against social evils and other unhealthy practices in the society. It can make or mar political careers, super stars, sportsmen etc. Imprint media is an important source of making the public aware of current Happenings, National and International affairs, Politics, sports, business news, educational, medical and health related issues. It also voices opinions on major events etc.
0n the other hand the electronic media is taking the shine away from I the print media as it has become a major source of entertainment along with the other news and information disseminated through it. A click of a button opens up a variety of channels catering to all age groups and choices. It is a treasure house of knowledge, news, education, and pure entertainment -a means of fighting boredom and loneliness.
To sum up the power of media on our lives is immense, it is not only a source of entertainment but educative and also helps in making us form our opinions on major issues of social importance.
The word media is enough today to create a threat in the minds of corrupt politicians, corrupt officers, among the people who are involved in rape and sexual assault. The power of media is on a continuous rise as due to the development of science and technology all over the world. The media is now associated with the daily lives of people via internet, television, newspapers and many other sources. The media has been performing the task of awakening the society and leading them from the darkness of lies towards the brightness of truth.
The world has seen the number of media institutes on a great rise. People have now started believing and appreciating the works of media all over. This has been a key point in the transformation of the media. Each morning its just because of the media who work 24/7 that we are able to get all the happenings of the current world sitting on a chair and flinging our legs. It is all because of the media that we common people are able to keep ourselves up-to-date with the working of the governments at different levels, without the media it would have been nearly impossible as the government officials will never share the details of their work.
Evolution in the media along with time is one of the biggest evolution of modern world. The modern devices has played a vital role towards increasing the powers of media.
The media is a sword which is sharp enough to elevate the evils of modern world.