English, asked by anitachordia28, 1 year ago

Article on proliferation of scientific Gadgets. A boon or bane


Answered by rmb


Gadgets are a bane because of three reasons:

1. Addiction

2. Loneliness

3. Health issues


The rapid increase in the popularity of scientific gadgets, particularly smartphones, has unnecessarily complicated the modern lifestyle. There are gadgets that help connect with people virtually, provide entertainment, give updates, get goods and services delivered at the door step, besides many other functions, yet they are playing havoc with human lives. Scientific gadgets ruin the quality of life in more than one ways. The main problem is that these gadgets are not used in moderation. Individuals from all ages, including babies who cannot even sit up straight, overuse them. This leads to addiction, extreme loneliness and health issues.  

People find gadgets extremely convenient and addictive. An individual’s interaction with the gadgets begins as soon as the baby is born. The screen is used as a substitute for the parent. The child develops a habit of eating only while watching something on the phone, tab or computer, which is something nutritionists do not recommend. Similarly, many adults continuously use their phones all through the day. A lost or broken phone triggers strong withdrawal symptoms, showing the seriousness of the issue.

Additionally, though a person is ‘connected’ with friends in different geographical areas, sadly, there is a big disconnect with one’s own neighbour. Since everyone is busy with their gadgets, meaningful face-to-face interaction has decreased tremendously, leading to extreme loneliness and even depression in the real world. As a result, families do not spend quality time together, causing a disconnect between the parents and the children. The family structure crumbles. With decreasing sense of community living, crime rates are increasing, affecting society as a whole.

Further, since gadgets are known to give out radiations, even small gadgets like fitness bands or Fit Bits are not good for health even though they are meant to encourage a healthy lifestyle. They put humans at risk and make them susceptible to problems like stress, cancer, low bone density and sleep and hearing issues.

Given the way a small gadget can open up Pandora’s box of troubles, there is no doubt that the gadgets are a bane, slyly contributing to stress build.

Answered by upenderjoshi28


   Proliferation of Scientific Gadgets: A Boon or a Bane?

No gadget in itself is a boon or bane; how we use it makes it good or bad. If use gadgets wisely, they are boon for us, however, I we use them recklessly, they are bane for us.  

Proliferation of gadgets has made man’s life so comfortable and full of ease. Gadgets have infiltrated into every aspect of man’s life. He is always surrounded by cell-phones, computers, laptops, TV, ACs, fans, washing machines, heaters, vehicles, cameras, wi-fi’s, Bluetooths, etc. How will his life look like if we take all the gadgets out of it? Certainly vacant! Man’s life will come to a standstill without these gadgets.  

On the other hand, these gadgets have become a huge source of problems for man Modern life-style and man's increasing dependence on technology have literally affected his mental and physical faculties and capabilities adversely. Not only intelligence, the effect of technology and gadgets is visible on all aspects of his life. Machines, gadgets, vehicles, smart-phones, tabs, laptops, ac, blower, geyser, and whatnot, man cannot live for a second without technology.  

As a consequence, he has become physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally weak!  

Youngsters have become addict to smart-phones, playing games, chatting, surfing net, and wasting their time on trivial matters. This addiction is affecting their health of body and mind adversely.  

The need of the hour is man must become wise in using gadgets. He must use gadgets wisely. He must not be over dependent on them. Though they have become an integral part of man’s existence, yet he must use his faculties optimally. He must give due exercise to his body, mind and soul. Otherwise the dependence on gadgets will render him weak physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


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