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The role and status of women in India is a very hot issue that is passionately debated every day, as ever more women become conscious of the inequalities and bias they suffer from. All around the world, women are an untapped "resource" to fight poverty and violence. And even though their potential has been very clearly revealed time and again in difficult circumstances (world wars, independence movements) men have too often lost sight of it in times of stability.
In India, where religious myths and traditional attitudes define virtues and vices( relative to interpretation) , and these in turn condition popular imagination to form the social culture, the ideal and permissible cultural role of a woman becomes a contentious issue that can barely be assessed in uniform terms.
However, a careful observation validates the fact that patriarchy has had an upper hand in general in most traditional norms across the country. In this context, India with its sub-continental geographical expanse and its unique patchwork of regionally diverse cultures becomes a template for a special kind of gendered discrimination.
Introduction:- Women are contributing equally well in shaping our country to make it a modern and developed nation. Women are equal to partners to pull on the families. A cart has two wheels. A cart cannot work well unless both the wheels work well. Such a important part is played by them. In free India, women are given equal rights with men.
Women in Modern Indian:- Our Constitution is democratic. India is a Republic. Our Constitution is based on equality and social justice. B.R. Ambedkar said, ''I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.'' Now, women are equal to men in eyes of law. In Panchayat, Municipality and Corporation reservation of seats has been made for them. It is hoped that in legislatures and parliament also they will soon get reservation.
Great and Successful Women in India Today:- Modern women have distinguished themselves in various walks of life. Sarojini Naidu , Vijai Laxmi Pandit and Indira Gandhi are the immortal names in the history of India. Kiran Bedi became first IPS lady in the country. Now there are so many IAS and IPS ladies. Even in army and air-force, women have achieved high rank posts and they are doing tough jobs too. Mary Kom, P.V. Sindhu, Sania Mirza , Sania Nehwal are the big names in the sports. Sonia Gandhi, Mamta Bannerji , Mayawati, Sushma Swaraj are the names who are the supreme power of their political parties and play an important role in Indian politics.
Conclusion:- Undoubtedly it is said that the condition of women in India in changing rapidly. Modern and advanced thoughts have changed people's mentality. They now have started to give importance to their daughter's career. The government is also making efforts to empower them. Reservation for women in the Parliament has no been yet made. Though every political party declares its support, yet it is still in waiting.
Abstract: The worth of a civilization can be judged by the place given to women in the society. One of several factors that justify the greatness of India's ancient culture is the honorable place granted to women. The Muslim influence on India caused considerable deterioration in the status of women. They were deprived of their rights of equality with men. Raja Ram Mohan Roy started a movement against this inequality and subjugation. The contact of Indian culture with that of the British also brought improvement in the status of women. The third factor in the revival of women's position was the influence of Mahatma Gandhi who induced women to participate in the Freedom Movement. As a result of this retrieval of freedom, women in Indian have distinguished themselves as teachers, nurses, air-hostesses, booking clerks, receptionists, and doctors. They are also participating in politics and administration. But in spite of this amelioration in the status of women, the evils of illiteracy, dowry, ignorance, and economic slavery would have to be fully removed in order to give them their rightful place in Indian society.