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Social evils are an obstacles to the growth of any nation. Their root cause can be attributed to many reasons like customs, beliefs , superstitions etc.. and various other aspects of the society .These wrongful activities have found their firm roots in our society and has been ruling the minds of people to produce a negative impact since ages. India being a multi-faceted country, has been the abode of origin for many cultures and traditions. But with these rich cultures , also accompanied some of the practices that went on to become a system which today has become one of the biggest threats of our society i.e. “THE SOCIAL EVILS”. Some of them to be mentioned are Dowry system , Female infanticide , Child marriage, Caste system , Prostitution, Corruption etc..(Though corruption is not a by-product of ancient customs but a result of men’s never ending greed ). We cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build our youth for the future – said Franklin.D.Roosevelt. Here the emphasis is given on youths as an important asset for a country. Their power and capability to build a strong nation is a vital component for its growth . Youths are filled with tremendous energy and fire , which shouldn’t be wasted. For, a nation’s human resource is its primary force . They have the power to unify the individuals and destroy these social evils. And all these can be achieved only through “Education“, the ultimate weapon. Youths need to be educated in order to form an abled citizen for our future. They must be taught to put our nation first than their self-interests. The seeds of patriotism and self- discipline should be implanted in their minds to fight against these atrocities. Greed and Lust should be replaced with honesty and truthfulness to treat Corruption . Youth, when upholds the concept of humanity over casteism , shall be able to lead the society to look beyond the varna system and its divisions. Dowry system is another symbol of objectifying women. Domestic violence and Prostitution has further degraded the status of women . Its only through empowering young girls can we be able to bring about changes regarding society’s outlook towards women. Gender Inequality is not just a concern of women but of each and person who forms a part of this society. Boys, from a very young age must be taught to treat girls respectfully and also must raise their voice against eve-teasing, molestation and also violence against women. It is also the responsibility of men to protect her and defend her honor. Sex education must be imparted among youths to eliminate any misconceptions about sex, and treat it as a natural phenomenon. This would further help to reduce the number of rape cases emerging on a day to day basis. The upcoming generations should understand that having a girl child is not a liability but a matter of pride . Equality shall prevail over inequality. Our youth should be equipped with skills that will be beneficial for the economy’s growth . It is only the youth who can bring the society from its blind-foldedness to the lights of reality. Youth can serve as a pillar for development and destroy such baseless beliefs that ruin the society. Indian population mostly comprises of youths and therefore it is necessary to invest in our young minds to fuel their passion and confidence to make our society and world a better place to live in.
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