English, asked by ashuspidy2005, 10 months ago

article on save environment and wildlife


Answered by MahatmaGandhi11

India is unique in having immense natural beauty in its different biomes and in possessing a rich and diverse wild life fauna. Indian wild life is incomparable in its variety. For example, the tiger, the lion and the leopard roam about in the same country. Elephants and the one horned rhinoceros are found here in abundance. India has more types of the graceful deer and-the cats than any other country in the world. It has been estimated that there are more than 400 species of mammals, 1200 species of birds, more than 350 species of reptiles and more than 2970000 species of insects in India. The animals like Black buck, Nilgiri tahr, Pigmy hog, Golden langur, Lion tailed macaque etc are unique wild animals of India. India is gifted with a wide variety of deers such as Musk deer (Kastura), barking deer, spotted deer (cheetal), Hog deer, Mouse deer, Swamp deer (barasingha) and Dancing deer (sambhar). The typical wild Indian birds include pea fowl, jungle fowl, quail, great Indian bustard, duck, pigeon, sand grouse, eagle, pelican, horn bill etc. Indian reptiles include crocodiles, lizards, gharials and more than 125 varieties of snakes.

 Many wild animals become extinct due to various human and natural activities. For example, over the past 2000 years about 106 species of animals and about 140 species of birds have become extinct because of climatic and geographic changes and also by over hunting by man for food, fur and many other reasons. According to ecologists more than 600 species of animals and birds are expected to be extinct, if not protected by wildlife management, thereby dismantling ecological balance.

 Wildlife plays an important and vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Wildlife is a renewable resource like soil, water and forests because it can be used time and again without being destroyed and there is a great need of conservation of these renewable resources. Wild life needs to be protected as an essential part of environment. It is also important to conserve animals and birds for their valuable gifts. The various reasons for wild life conservation are: 

I. The   wildlife   is   helpful   in   maintaining   the   balance   of nature, which   is   most essential, because it may lead to a series of problems if it is disturbed by any means. The destruction of carnivores or insectivores causes the herbivores to increase, which in turn affect the forest vegetation or crops. 

2. The wild life has also been used commercially to earn a lot of money in one way or the other. For example, one wildlife economist has estimated that one male Lion living to age of 7 years generates $ 515000 in tourist dollars in Kenya, by contrast if killed for skin, the Lion would bring only about $ 1000.

3. The Wildlife preservation is very helpful in the study of morphology, anatomy, physiology, ecology and biological behaviour of wild animals under their natural surroundings.

4.  The best means of sports and recreation are provided by wild life.

5. The wild life is the cultural asset of a country like India. It has deep rooted effect on art, sculpture, literature and religion of the country.

 Conservation of wild life is an essential part of environment. By conservation, we do not mean merely preservation, but conservation means the utilization of renewable natural resources in such a manner that they are not allowed to destroy but are to be used later. By this we can maintain ecological balance,

 Every year 3rd and 4th October is celebrated as world Animal day and World Wild life days respectively. The days have gone past, but the message remains. Let us pledge on these days and join hands to protect our mother earth.

Answered by Anonymous




Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife.

The goal of environmental education is to create enthusiasm among children for a peaceful coexistence of humans and wildlife. Informing them about the benefits of nature conservation leads to a better understanding of this locally but also globally important issue. The increased awareness in turn could result in a better future. With strengthened personalities, environmental education and career opportunities in the eco-tourism sector we enable children better future prospects. Simultaneously, we support eco-tourism and finally make a step forward towards achieving our vision of promoting species protection.

Through a combination of changing climates, lost habitats, increased poaching, and increased food scarcity, there has been a lot of worrying news about lately concerning the fate of wildlife around the world. The gloom-and-doom reports can often make the situation seem entirely hopeless, however there is much that can be done in order to protect and conserve wildlife on a big and a small scale.

The eco-system is all about relationships between different organisms connected through food webs and food chains. Even if a single wildlife species gets extinct from the eco-system, it may disturb the whole food chain ultimately leading to disastrous results. Consider a simple example of a bee that is vital for growth of certain crops due to their pollen carrying roles. If bees get reduced in numbers, the growth of food crops would definitely lower owing to lack of pollination.

Steps taken by the government to conserve wildlife

The "Indian Wildlife Act" was initiated by the government in 1972 for wildlife protection.

This act banned "hunting and poaching" of animals providing legal protection to wildlife.

Many wildlife sanctuaries was established by central and state governments.

Many national parks are established.


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