English, asked by NajarParmer, 1 year ago

article on segregating disposal is a sensible proposal


Answered by Qba
Below, a proposition of such an essay. Please use it as inspiration rather than a ready piece, it will give you more value if you try writing by yourself! :) 

In 2012, our world produced around 2.5 trillion pounds of waste. It is as much as 7000 times the weight of Empire State Building. At this point we cannot argue that there exist an extremely dangerous problems connected to waste disposal. Having that much garbage we could cover the whole globe in it in just a couple of years given that the trend stays as it is. 

Unfortunately, we cannot burn the waste (it creates chemicals dangerous to people) and storing it using landfills brings along the danger of  environmental contamination. The same can be said for underwater dump sites. 

Those ways of doing away with the problem bring more harm than good in the long run. We cannot let our environment die because of our waste. Segregation and recycling seem to be virtually the best ways to protect our surroundings from complete disaster. Of course, we won't be able to recycle materials infinitely, but we should, at the very least, minimize the chance of endangering the nature. try making a change


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