Article on self acceptence
Self acceptance means that you are happy with who and what you are but it does not mean that you give up any hopes of change or improvement. Self acceptance is a necessary first step towards self improvement because you need to see the truth about yourself and accept it and then decide whether or not you can change
Self acceptance is the key to happiness. If you judge your self-worth with what you have achieved, you will be disappointed when things turn haywire. In today’s fast-moving world, people have time for nothing. Not for even themselves. The modern lifestyle is so demanding that we are forgetting the basics of healthy living that were taught and practiced by our ancestors.
We are so pre-occupied by our belief systems that knowingly or unknowingly we are heading towards self-destruction. The expectations and aspirations of the young generation are so high that even a small failure in their fulfillment pushes the individual into a dark, melancholy world.