English, asked by viranders407, 1 year ago

article on television a boon or bane ​


Answered by yash356689



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Secondary School English 5 points

Write the article on boon or bane of television.

Ask for details Follow Report by Deshdeepakjaisw3196 12.10.2018


ann24612 Ambitious

In this article I am going to describe about the television. Television is a modern device which plays a vital role in our day to day life. Various things like history of television, advantages and disadvantages of television, effects of television on children are discussed.Television:

Television plays an important role in this modern world. Now day it has become essential requirements in every house. There is no doubt about the fact that the technology has given us a major tool in television. It is in short known as TV. It is the most effective and entertaining media. It provides the best entertainment. It is the ultimate discovery of the mankind in 19th century. It attract all ages with many interesting programs. It also seeks the attention of everyone by its extraordinary audio and video effects. Television not only provides the best entertainment but only provides employment to many people. It trap's the minds of the viewer's so badly that they do not get bored of TV even after watching for hours together. Television became very informative at times. It is so informative that it provide news from all parts of world, the viewer can see all important incident happening all parts of the world just by sitting in front of television. Ill effect of television on children:

It play a vital role to influence children, they spend hours together in front of television gaping at the screen. It also prevents them from using their imagination skill of children and takes them away from the world of fantasy. It also makes them inactive. They show less interest toward education and there is a keen change of spoiling their education. They not only show less interest toward studies but also toward playing. Television makes children lazy to a great extent as they are found of watching TV for hours together and their by their physical activity decreases. As the physical activity decrease it lead to many health problems. Television spoils the minds of children by killing their imaginative powers. It blocks their creativity and confuses their minds. Children sit in front of television set and watch programs for hours together as if hypnotized by it and they get totally infatuated with it. They as well spoil their communication skills. If children watch television for hours together it cause eyesight or at times it may also leads to blindness. Television plays a vital role in spoiling the career of the children. Thereby parents must put a constant check on their kids and actions so that they can correct their mistakes at early stage it so that the damage will be minimized. The TV set should be discarded as they fill their minds with rubbish. Instead of installing a TV sets in their houses it is better to place a book shelf.

Uses of Television:

Television is the major invention of 19th century, Television provides best entertaining media, it provides wholesome family entertainment at low cost. Even it becomes very informative at times. The viewers by sitting in front of TV can gather all the important incidents happening throughout the world. If one can limit their time watching television they can know many things. It plays an important role in refreshing the minds of the people who had worked hard all through the day. Children during their vacation spend their time on TV and it makes a great difference for old people as they have nothing to do because they get retired, they can spend their free time on watching various programs. There will be old super duper hits and new super hits movies coming up all through the day which provides the best entertainment.

How people were before the invention of Television:

In ancient times, when there was not such advancement in technology, people spent their free time in gossiping or chatting with family and friends. Especially children spent lot of times playing. That in fact made them healthier and they lived longer happily without any health problems. And before the invention of television people use to spend their free time on arts and crafts, pottery, etc.

In early days of 1970, the device television was invented. In the early stage there were only black-white TV and slowly color TV were introduced. In 1988, almost every house was equipped with a TV set and this was starting era for the people to spend their free time sitting in front of TV. They started feeding kids in front of TV. In some cases children of two to three years get addicted to television. Most of the free time of the people is spent by watching television. Nowadays we find people gaping at the screen of the television all the time as if hypnotized by it and they get totally infatuated by it.

Answered by triptipand3y


Television is an ocean of entertainment, knowledge and information, but many people think that it is an idiot box and that watching T.V. is simply wastage of time. I think if properly used it has more advantages than disadvantages.

Television is one of the best sources of entertainment. It provides us variety of entertainment such as daily soaps, reality shows etc. Television viewing adds information and knowledge to our lives. It is the best way of getting rapid news which can be transmitted in a moment. There are many news channels which provide news about current affairs, sports, and movies. There are channels like Discovery, Nat Geo and History T.V. 18 which enhance our knowledge regarding science, technology and wild life. Channels like Fashion T.V. inspire people and influence their lifestyle. Many programmes improve our skills like cooking, speaking, acting and dancing. In a nut shell, it impacts our overall personality. It is also a means to showcase the talent of common people.

On the other hand, many people call it an idiot box because it hampers our ability to think and argue. It is also blamed of reducing our creativity and some people say that it compromises reading and writing abilities also. However these side effects are associated with excessive T.V. watching. Many programmes spread violence and hatred among people. It is also killing family values. It makes people idle and is also turning them into couch potatoes. Many health issues like headache, sleeplessness, eye sight problems and obesity are caused by excessive watching of T.V. It also affects behaviour of youngsters in a negative way making them aggressive and less tolerant.

To conclude, I would like to say that television is one of the best useful inventions of all time. It is up to us how we can extract the best out of it. Many of the ill effects are associated with excessive T.V. watching. Negative behavioural changes can be stopped by selecting appropriate programmes and through the supervision of parents.

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