English, asked by Shivamrajput5941, 1 year ago

Article on terrorism a threat to mankind


Answered by Anonymous


Terrorism is an act of repeated violence committed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for peculiar, criminal or political reasons. The immediate human victims of terrorism are generally chosen randomly or selectively (representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and serve as message generators.

India has long been a victim of terrorism. Terrorism in India is said to be largely sponsored by Pakistan, through its secret service and intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Pakistan has consistently denied its involvement, but in July 2016, the Indian Government released the data on a series of terror strikes in India since 2005 that claimed 707 lives and left over 3,200 injured, all pointing at Pakistan’s involvement.

Kidnapping: Terrorists’ favourite weapon

Kidnapping has been a favourite tactic employed by terrorist groups whether they are religious or non-religious for ransom. They have sought to make others agree to their demands through kidnapping. For instance, a Romanian diplomat was kidnapped by the Khalistan Commando Force, a Sikh terrorist group, in New Delhi in 1991. Similarly, the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front kidnapped some Israeli tourists in J&K in 1992.

Global Linkages

Terrorist groups have affinity with terrorist groups of their ilk in other countries. For instance, the Marxist groups of India are aligned with Maoist groups of Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The separatist, terrorist Kashmiri outfits are connected with the religious, fundamentalist and jihadi organizations of Pakistan. Similar is the link between the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) with jihadi elements in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The overseas diaspora too funds and supports home-grown terrorist groups both in moral and material terms. In its heydays, the Khalistan movement in Punjab found a resonance with the overseas Sikh community in the UK and Canada and flourished rapidly. The Mirpuris, migrants from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, who have settled in Western countries, are said to help Kashmiri organizations in all sorts of ways. Similarly, the Marxist groups within India find encouragement and support from the people of Marxist leanings within the overseas Indian community.

Causes of Terrorism

There are several causes of terrorism in India: political, economic, and religious.

The political cause of terrorism is primarily seen in Tripura and Assam where the political factors resulted in terrorism after the respective state governments failed to control and manage the large-scale illegal Muslim immigration from Bangladesh. The terrorist outfits capitalized upon the alienation of the daughters and sons of the soil who did not wish to share the opportunities of employment with the refugees.

Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh are prime examples of economic causes of terrorism in India. Factors such as rural unemployment, exploitation of landless labourers and lack of land reforms created perceptions of gross social injustice. All this led to the rise of ideological groups such as the several Marxist/Maoist groups waging a war against the State.

One of instance of religious terrorism was the growth of Sikh militancy in Punjab for the creation of an independent Sikh nation called Khalistan. In Jammu and Kashmir, the dream of a separate Kashmir nation has drawn many Muslim organizations together against India.


Terrorist activities have extremely adverse implications for any country, India being no exception. Terrorism poses a deadly threat to the unity and integrity of the nation. The society, media and political parties must make it a common cause to fight the menace of terrorism in a cohesive and united spirit. We have to show to the world that we are not a soft state in dealing with any terrorist strikes on our soil.

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