article on the value of truthful living
Living honestly implies living honorably. This is Dharma or True Religion — nondogmatic and nonsectarian. The act of this Religion of honesty is Light: Love, Naam-awareness or Shabad-Surti, God-cognizance, Spirituality, Divine Life, Peace, Tranquillity, Holy Beauty and Strength, Wisdom, Mercy, Objectivity, Timelessness, Pure Being, Unity, Indifference, Viveka, Selflessness, Fearlessness, Freedom, Stillness, et cetera.
Value of truthful living
Guru Nanak Dev’s teaching is: ‘Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.’ Anyone who wishes to make a mark in any sphere, first must nurture this virtue before venturing onto any pursuit. Success in any field is the efficient handling and honouring interpersonal skills and relationship with other people. In order to create a trustworthy image among fellow co-workers, or team leaders, the first and foremost prerequisite is truthfulness. A person who is not trusted, will not win confidence; in any situation, neither his co-workers, nor team leaders will entrust him crucial targets or tasks. Since he won't have targets, he won't get any chance to prove his mettle or efficiency. Truthfulness wins hearts of fellow workers and team leaders. On the basis of it they entrust him with key responsible duties; the performance in these duties determines his reliability. Thus the prospects of his promotion become bright. Besides, all great men of all times have been extraordinarily truthful. They became truthful first, geniuses later. Abraham Lincoln's tales of truthfulness are source of inspiration till today for many aspiring young men and women!
Achieving prosperity without truthfulness is impossible. Only truthful men and women have the strength, creativity, and will to work tirelessly. Without industry and prolonged perseverance, prosperity remains only a mere dream. All the great achievers in the history of mankind have been men and women of impeccable truthfulness. Abraham Lincoln, Madam Curie, Louis Pasteur, Winston Churchill, Dr. Graham Bell, Einstein, Addison, Mahatma Gandhi, etc, lived truthful living. They achieved phenomenal success in their respective fields. If any nation wants prosperity, it must have truthful people.