article on traveling as a part of education
“Travelling” means going from one place to other places. In ancient times travelling was very difficult and risky because there were no proper roads and transports. A traveler had to pass hills and forests. He had to face the fury of nature, wild beasts, robbers and many other obstacles.
It is very difficult to understand the nature of various types of soils, forests, etc. simply by reading textbooks. Travel to places of geographical importance also helps a student to grasp the depth of the subject.
That's it..
We can acquire a great deal of knowledge from books. But it is only second-hand knowledge. By travelling, we come into direct contact with things that we wish to know. Our knowledge of distant land gained from numerous textbooks cannot stand comparison with that which a month’s travel there would give us. Travel gives a character of experience to our knowledge
We can acquire a great deal of knowledge from books. But it is only second-hand knowledge. By travelling, we come into direct contact with things that we wish to know. Our knowledge of distant land gained from numerous textbooks cannot stand comparison with that which a month’s travel there would give us. Travel gives a character of experience to our knowledge
By travelling we not only gain knowledge but broaden our nature. Like the frog in the well, the man who sticks to his home has a narrow vision of the world. As Shakespeare says,In the places, we travel about we are able to encounter men of different temperaments, customs and habits and leam to deal with them. We also learn to adapt ourselves to new manners and customs. We cultivate caution, forbearance and tact. And that is one of the chief aims of education.
Travel also helps us brush up your knowledge of a foreign language If for example, we travel about England for a few weeks, we shall be able to speak English better through our contact with native speakers.