English, asked by abhisheksahani4, 1 year ago

Article on "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right"


Answered by KomalGoel
Two wrongs don't make a right. This phrase is commonly used to discourage revenge and retaliation, and to convey that one is just as bad as the person who first committed the wrong. However, I find this statement to not be true. For example:

It is widely accepted that it is wrong to stab people.
Cindy just left her store and is in the parking lot, headed to her car. En route, Cindy is stopped by a big, burly, and rather intimidating fellow. He lunges at her, and makes forceful sexual advances on her. Cindy kicks, punches and screams but being much weaker than her attacker, her attempts have little effect. So Cindy stabs the attacker with her key, so he lets go of her. He recovers quickly and comes at her again, so this time she stabs him in a far more effective area (eye, groin, etc). This gives Cindy enough time to get in the car and escape with her chastity, dignity, and quite possibly her life.

Now let's put this in terms said quote.

1st wrong: Fellow attempting to rape and possibly kill Cindy.
2nd wrong: Cindy stabbing fellow.
Right: Cindy avoiding rape and death.

It is almost certain that just about everyone will agree that the fellow was wrong for attempting to rape Cindy, but how many people would say that it was wrong for Cindy to stab the guy? After all, is it wrong for a woman to defend herself? Is it wrong for her to protect her chastity, her dignity, and her life? It is not. There are even many more latent "rights" that result from Cindy's actions such as avoidance of depression, and emotional trauma for her and her loved ones. Or even money saved on therapy to overcome such trauma. The good (right) that resulted in her actions MADE a wrong a right.
Answered by Anonymous

Two wrongs don't make a right

This is a famous proverb refers two negative or bad thing doesn't make a postive thing. Most of us this when two wromg thing or negative or a bad energy is added they form a good positive energy, but it's false statment.

In this proverb wrong defines people who soread negative vibes and do bad things. Generally, if two bad prople meet each other they thinks to be more bad joining with other bad and spoil the environment.

In mathematics we learn, Negative + Negative equal Postitive, but this doesn't make true statment in general life, if a bad and a good meets the bd turns the good into bad and when both the wrong meets to other general good people in society thease spread negative thoughts to everone.

A simple exmaple to prove when two wrong meets it not make a right: If we keep two rotton apples in a apple it doesn't make the rotton apples fresh or good one, but it remains the same. We must not spread negative thoughts/vibes, we must not talk with wrong people and wlso not believe worng things. Hence, this proverb is really true.

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