English, asked by Chanchal3045, 1 year ago

Article on 'value of trees'


Answered by preranapsavant


value of trees


Value of Trees. Almost everyone knows that trees and other living plants are valuable. They beautify our surroundings, purify our air, act as sound barriers, manufacture precious oxygen, and help us save energy through their cooling shade in summer and their wind reduction in winter.

Answered by lishanarang26


Trees are very useful to man. They support the life of living beings. The green leaves of trees absorb carbon dioxide and break it up into carbon and oxygen.

Thus trees replace oxygen which is constantly used and changed into carbon dioxide in breathing a burning. The trees retain carbon and release oxygen of the use of living beings.

Trees help to prevent drought and floods. Man not recognized the importance of trees. Man cuts do trees to get quick profit from them. We should plant mo and more trees. We should not cut them down. Man lives a happy life only if he plants more trees. We inhale fresh air if we have more trees on this earth.


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