article on village rural science
Abstract Smart Village refers to a concept developed in rural area that provides solutions to
problems occurred and improves the quality of life. The main problems faced by rural areas are
cover poverty, low level of education, and limited access to technology. Smart village concept
emerged due to some different characteristics between rural and urban areas. Banyuwangi
Regency is one of regions that created smart concept starting from rural area, called smart
kampung. So far, smart kampung only focused on public services, which included only a small
part of smart city concept. Hence, this research was intended to propose the model of smart
village examined through initial interview in village sample of Banyuwangi, literature reviews
related to smart city, smart village, and smart rural. Then, the results were confirmed and
adjusted to support local regulations. This research created a smart village model that was
capable to be a guide for each village to develop towards better future. The proposed smart
village model was categorized into 6 dimensions including 1) Governance, (2) Technology, (3)
Resources, (4) Village Service, (5) Living, and (6) Tourism. This research is expected to be
applied to villages in other Regencies by adjusting the characteristics of each region.
1. Introduction
Smart City-based development has become a trend of city development around the world. The
development of Smart City is not just to improve the efficiency of the bureaucracy by utilizing
information and communication technology (ICT), but also how to develop the community by making
ICT infrastructure and facility as supporting factors or enablers [1]. Smart city is defined as an
innovative city on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other means to
improve its quality of life, efficiency of urban services, and competitiveness, as well as sustainability
As a form of government support on Smart City development in Indonesia, Ministry of
Communications and Informatics of Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with Ministry of Home
Affairs, Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Indonesia Ministry of National
Development Planning/BAPENNAS, Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlement, Presidential
Staff Office initiated the idea of 100 Smart City Movement of “Gerakan menuju 100 smart city”. In
2017, 25 cities/regencies were chosen to be accompanied and mentored by the experts in
implementing Smart City concept. In 2019, this program targets as many as 100 cities/regencies in
Indonesia that have implemented Smart City development and become models for other regions in Indonesia