English, asked by parishah41p22wvy, 1 year ago

article on why are students disrespecting their teachers


Answered by zeeshanfazil
No single social factor can alone explain this troubling phenomenon. It’s true that students are too infrequently taught civility by their guardians, that poverty demoralizes children and diverts their energies away from academics, and that some students vie for the “bad kid” image to impress their peers. But disrespect seems deeply anchored at school beyond what students may bring from home.

The schooling structure itself too often disrespects students. To see this pervasive reality, we have to drop the idea that school is only incidentally flawed, with a bad teacher here and there, and instead accept its systemic disregard for the thoughts, feelings and lives of the young people it’s designed to educate. In confronting the culture of unkindness, our starting point shouldn’t be the first crass words angry students utter but rather the conditions producing such unpleasantness, for students at the average American school are rightly, if inarticulately, outraged by the coercion, harassment, and drudgery to which they are subjected by school authorities. When educational administrations remove these affronts to student self-actualization, they will leave the classroom conducive to authentic respect between teachers and students.

hope it would help u
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