Article on women safety
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As we all know that India is a most famous country all over the world for its great tradition and culture where women are given most respected place in the society from the ancient time. It is the country where women are considered as safer and most respected. Women are given the place of Goddess Lakshmi in the Indian society. Indian women are found working in all fields like aeronautics, space, politics, banks, schools, sports, businesses, army, police, and many more. We cannot say that this country has no any women concern however we cannot ignore positive points for women in India. If we remember our history, we found that there was Panchaali Pratha in which a single woman (Draupadi) was allowed to get married to five men (Pandavas). It was all that what we see from our open eyes however if we see behind the curtain we will found all the crimes against women at home, offices, streets, etc. By seeing last few crimes against women in India such as rape cases, acid attacks, etc, the safety of women has been in doubt.
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Women a part of everyone’s life. Without her life would be incomplete. She plays an important role in everyone’s life . She plays the role of a mother, daughter, sister , grandmother,friend and many other aspects of life . Women are empowered in most sectors and given equal importance as men. Women were restricted from basic facilities in olden days but now they have achieved in many various courses. Though India is an patriarchal country where men are considered to be the head of society women are given equal importance. Women nowadays are scientists , astronauts,doctors, pilots,and even in army . One third of the seats in the Panchayathi Raj are reserved for women. Women's safety in India is not assured as women are subjected to many crimes. They are molested, raped, sexually harassed in the society . Nearly more 800 women are harassed raped per day which is terrible. Women are assaulted everywhere and are blamed for all the crimes that are subjected to them. Women should aware of the self defense techniques which are available and should practice them and keep their selves safe. There are many Indian women achievers like Indra Nooyi who bring pride to our country, but safety is a question in India
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