English, asked by rekhadixit5957, 1 year ago

article on yeti the snowman of tibet in 120words


Answered by Aarohimehta1

The Yeti, also known as the "Abominable Snowman," is a mythical human-like creature that purportedly makes its home in the higher elevations of the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal.

The word Yeti comes from the Tibetan name for the creature yeh-teh which translates into English as “rock bear” while the idiom “Abominable Snowman” was a creation of western journalist Henry Newman.

There were only a few encounters reported in the 1800s, such as when explorer B.H. Hodgson’s guides reported a tall hairy creature that upon seeing them apparently fled in panic. Not having witnessed anything himself Hodgson summarily dismissed the sighting deciding it was probably an orangutan. In 1889, British army major L.A. Waddell reported finding unusual footprints which his guides attributed to a large apelike creature, after further investigation Waddell decided they were most likely bear tracks.

It wasn’t until the 1900s and an influx of western mountain climbers that strange sightings began to be reported on a regular basis:

In 1925 N.A. Tombazi a Greek photographer while on an expedition to the Himalayas allegedly sighted a bipedal like creature near Zemu Glacier. The fact that the creature was unclothed in what were extremely hostile conditions (the elevation was 15,000 feet with snow covering the ground) made a significant impression on the westerner, who by any standards would be considered a professional and learned observer. (He was an accomplished photographer and member in good standing of the Royal Geographical Society.) For over a minute, at a distance of only 200 to 300 yards, he quietly watched the creature as it walked in an upright position before stopping and uprooting some dwarf rhododendron bushes. Later he was to state “Unquestionably, the figure in outline was exactly like a human being.”

Afterwards while descending the mountain the expedition found what they assumed to be the creature’s footprints, describing them as “similar in shape to those of a man, but only six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot. The marks of five distinct toes and the instep were perfectly clear . . . The prints were undoubtedly those of a biped.”

In 1951 British mountain climbers Eric Shipton, a mountaineering legend involved with many Everest expeditions, and Michael Ward, doctor, researcher and both member and medical officer of two Everest expeditions found tracks on the slopes of the Menlung Glacier at an altitude of 20,00 feet (6100 meters). After first photographing the footprints (which were approximately thirteen inches wide by eighteen inches long) they followed them for over a mile before finally loosing them on hard ice. Scientists who later viewed the pictures were unable to identify them except to acknowledge that they were probably made by a biped. In view of Shipton and Ward’s reputations any notion of deceit was quickly dismissed.

Physical remains of the elusive creature can seemingly be found everywhere in the Himalayas, determining whether the remnants are authentic or not is the difficult part: 

In 1954 Dr. Biswamoy Biswas, a member of the Daily Mail’s "Snowman Expedition," examined an alleged Yeti scalp one of the sacred relics housed in the Buddhist monastery in the village of Pangboche and somehow obtained hair samples. Later Professor Frederic Wood Jones, an anthropologist and expert in comparative and human anatomy, carefully analyzed the specimens and came to the conclusion that the hairs were in fact from the shoulder of a hoofed animal and not from a scalp at all.

Tom Slick [1] was an American millionaire and adventurer who sponsored a number of expeditions to the Himalayas in the 1950s and after learning of another artifact in Pangboche, a “Yeti hand,” visited and photographed the object. Unfortunately requests to examine the relic more closely were repeatedly refused, so during the expedition of 1959 a daring plan worthy of Indiana Jones was hatched and put into play. Peter Byrne, [2] a member of the expedition, removed a number of bones from the “Pangboche hand,” replacing them with human bones and spirited them out of Nepal into India, where Hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart, who just happened to be visiting with his wife Gloria, smuggled them out of the country. [3]

The bones were taken to London, England, where a few pieces were examined by W.C. Osman Hill a primatologist. Hills' first impression was that they came from some sort of primate; in 1960, after further examination, he was more specific declaring them to be Neanderthal.

Later that year, Sir Edmund Hillary, while on an expedition to China, made a side trip to Nepal and investigated the “Yeti hand” for himself. Looking at the combination of human and original bones and unaware of Byrne’s tampering he declared the object a hoax and the Yeti a myth.
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