English, asked by rajharshit1507, 11 months ago

Article with facts and figures of about 150-180 words on the topic "Conservation of water and other natural resources". Please send it quickly because I am awarding a lot of points.


Answered by wizarq


Nature has gifted us some precious and valuable resources and water is one of them and is our basic need. All living beings need water for their survival and to carry out their survival and to carry out their vital life processes. Our Planet, Earth, has three –fourths of its surface area covered with water and only one- fourth has land masses. Life originates in water. Even today, millions of year later, water continues to be an essential requirement of life.Amongst most of the water, 97% is found in oceans and seas. The remaining, about 3% is found in rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, etc. Air also contains water.


Science > Water > Conservation of Water


Conservation of Water

Tomorrow morning you wake up and find that there’s no water running from the washroom tap. So, you go to the kitchen and find there’s no water in the kitchen tap too. This goes on for a few hours and you realize that water from the world has vanished mysteriously. What would happen? And there’s no one to blame but ourselves. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? So let’s not waste any more time and start conserving water this minute itself. Let us learn about conservation of water.

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Conservation of Water

Importance of Water

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Water, Water, Everywhere

Nature has gifted us some precious and valuable resources and water is one of them and is our basic need. All living beings need water for their survival and to carry out their survival and to carry out their vital life processes. Our Planet, Earth, has three –fourths of its surface area covered with water and only one- fourth has land masses. Life originates in water. Even today, millions of year later, water continues to be an essential requirement of life.

Quick summarywith stories

Ways to Conserve Water

4 mins read

Sources of Water

Amongst most of the water, 97% is found in oceans and seas. The remaining, about 3% is found in rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, etc. Air also contains water.

Importance of Water

All plants, animals and human beings need water to stay alive. But human beings depend on water more than plants and animals. We need water for many other purposes such as: 

We need water for the day -to- day activities such as bathing, cleaning, drinking, washing, etc.

Water helps in the dispersal of seeds and fruits.

It helps needed for irrigation.

All industries use a large amount of water for cleaning, heating, cooling,generating electricity, as a raw material, etc.

Water is used for transport and recreation too.

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