Article Writing on "Depression among the teenagers"
Teen depression is a serious issue, but can be helped when you know the symptoms. Though the term “depression” can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental disorder. Depressive illness in teenagers is defined when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with the teen’s ability to function.
Depression is fairly common in teens and younger children. About 5 percent of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from depression at any given point in time. Teens under stress, who experience loss, or who have attentional, learning, conduct or anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for depression. Teenage girls are at especially high risk, as are minority youth.
Depressed youth often have problems at home. In many cases, the parents are depressed, as depression tends to run in families. Over the past 50 years, depression has become more common and is now recognized at increasingly younger ages. As the rate of depression rises, so does the teen suicide rate.
It is important to remember that the behavior of depressed children and teenagers may differ from the behavior of depressed adults. The characteristics vary, with most children and teens having additional psychiatric disorders, such as behavior disorders or substance abuse problems.
Teenage depression is more likely to occur or be brought on by a number of circumstances, including: having challenges that harm one's sense of self-worth, such as weight, troubles with peers, persistent bullying, or difficulties in school. having experienced or seen abuse that was either physical or sexual.
Teenagers might develop depression for a variety of causes. For instance, youths may have emotions of worthlessness and inadequacy due to their academic performance. How a teen feels may be significantly influenced by a variety of factors, including family life, sexual orientation, peer relationships, and academic success. Teenage depression can occasionally be brought on by environmental stress. Whatever the reason, there is a good chance that a teen is depressed if spending time with friends, family, or engaging in activities that they usually enjoy doesn't help to lessen their sadness or sense of loneliness.
It results in depressive moods, a lack of interest in once enjoyable activities, and a number of medical and psychological issues.