Article writing on go solar save environment
Solar; A Two hand Support to Nation and Environment
___ By Ram
Solar is completely a new thing to our country.It is a path to new modern life.So it is very important to know what is a solar ? Solar is a device that converts the sunlight directly to electricity. Hence it has a urgent need in the society.
Most of the people ask why to use it ?what is the importance? In addition they may say" we are getting plenty of electricity ,so their is no need of it".
They are right we getting plenty of electricity but does it last forever ? NO. Its the simple answer .why doesn't it last?.Because, we are getting energy from a well that is about to dry up.We are attaining energy (about 90%) from fossil fuels and firewood .
What are fossil fuels? fuels extracted from the dead remains of plant and animals that had been died for more than centuries .Fossil fuels are limited one and in addition it requires centuries for their formation.The rate at which we are using it is very dangerous because it about to end.
Our country is not a developed one it is developing .For its development energy is needed.As I mentioned about 90% from fossil fuels and firewood .And at this point if they ended what will happen?The future development will not occur . This situation shows the importance of solar and other non-conventional sources of energy.
How the environment get benefit from it? The extraction of fossil fuels generates so much of wastes that are non -biodegradable.That is it will stay here for centuries!!.
These pollution has made the fall of ecological balance.Various phenomenon like acid rain,colour rain,etc. are occuring all over the world.This has also created holes in the ozone layer due to burning.
But on the other hand solar and non-conventional energy sources will create such big issues. That is main advantage .On the other hand, these are not limited /it can be used for centuries without any problems.
by Priya
Modern society is extremely dependent on electricity generated by oil and coal as well as vehicles run on petroleum products, both of which add to the greenhouse gases building up in the atmosphere.
Our homes, vehicles and technology requires immense amounts of energy, and sources o f supply are finite. In this era of high energy requirement, solar energy is an important source of renewable energy, as it is pollution free and virtually infinite. This energy is harnessed using a range of every evolving technologies such as solar heating, thermal systems and artificial photosynthesis. Solar power system derive clean and pure energy from the sun that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, consequently reducing collective dependence on non-renewable resources like oil, coal, fuel, gas, etc.
Powering your home, workplace and public places with clean energy can make a big impact of the environment. Thus, going solar should be next wise move to make.