English, asked by agarwalakshat6945, 2 months ago

article writing on journalism....
1 and a half page of notebook..


Answered by keerthanarangasamy2


hey mate ur answer Is here ...

note: this isn't copied form source


Journalism is the act of writing about news related subjects for all mediums, print and non-print. It is also the complicated process of taking information and sifting through it, editing information, and giving it context. The journalist is always involved in the selection and presentation of what he or she considers to be noteworthy, and in meeting the standard of truth and honesty in reporting. Journalism incorporates everything from the "hard" news of politics and public affairs, to the softer side, which includes an interest and celebrity stories. Today, journalism also delivers lifestyle messages, medical updates, weather, science, education, and much more.

Before news can be published on newsprint or read from a teleprompter, however, the ideas must be penned by an individual. This person is a journalist, and is most likely schooled in the art of writing for news outlets. That is because journalistic writing is much different from any other style of composition. There are several steps to the process of journalism that begins with gathering news from the local, national, or world community, and ends when it is disseminated via any number of media channels. These include radio and television, newspapers and magazines, and now, the ever-present and ubiquitous Internet.

The majority of the global population relies on journalism to remain informed. Journalists act as the eyes and ears of the average person, and often as their mouthpiece, as well, which is not always advantageous. One thing is certain, journalism is an expanding profession. But, the question is, what type of people are journalists? The answer may surprise you. First and foremost, the majority of journalists are white males. Across the board, it is estimated that minority journalists comprise about 12 percent of any media outlet. This has been the reality since the late 1970s, even as most news organizations have claimed their goal is to increase the diversity of their newsrooms. Too, a journalist must have above average, or excellent, writing ability. This is not a skill that comes naturally to most people, but one that must be developed and honed. It is an expertise that takes hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to gain competency.

Therefore, if you are interested in pursuing a career in journalism, you must realize from the outset that you are going to spend many hours alone with your pen and paper or word processor, practicing how to craft words and ideas that will be engaging, intriguing, and thought-provoking.

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