Article writing on overpopulation
Human overpopulation occurs when the ecological footprint of a human population in a specific geographical location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing when a population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of non-renewable resources or given the degradation of the capacity of the environment to give support to the population.
The term human overpopulation also refers to the relationship between the entire human population and its environment: the Earth,[10] or to smaller geographical areas such as countries. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates against the background of high fertility rates,an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely populated areas to be overpopulated if the area has a meagre or non-existent capability to sustain life (e.g. a desert). Advocates of population moderation cite issues like quality of life, carrying capacity and risk of starvation as a basis to argue against continuing high human population growth and for population decline. Scientists suggest that the human impact on the environment as a result of overpopulation, profligate consumption and proliferation of technology has pushed the planet into a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene.
Overpopulation is the condition where the number of existing living creatures and human population exceeds the limited habitats and resources to sustain them. Overpopulation of human is caused by higher rate of birth and lesser rate of death. Longevity of life and less mortality results from better medical care, awareness of hygienic living conditions, proper physical health awareness, balanced diet and better mother and child care before and after birth.
Various problems are associated with population explosion. The increased population puts pressure on our resources such as land, water and food as the demand increased. Overpopulation results in food scarcity, starvation and malnutrition. Overpopulation results in depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels and destruction of forests.
Human overpopulation causes greater pollution of air, land and water. This decreases the quality of life and results in various diseases and health problems. While man power is necessary for agricultural and industrial production, overpopulation leads to unemployment. Law and order situations also deteriorate. The best means to control overpopulation is by practicing family planning.