English, asked by OJASDAWAR99, 6 months ago



Answered by ShaikAbdurrahaman

Just imagine a world where everyone laughs and smiles at each other. How wonderful it is just to imagine! If it becomes true, then no need to soak up any heaven. This world will be a kind of heaven.

There is a very famous saying of Mother Teresa -"Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you really don’t want to smile at; do it for peace" So many years ago, she proclaimed this quote or statement. But it still echoes in everyone's mind. It has got a universal attention in a number of years. Mother Teresa smiles make the world go round, peace makes everything better.

When we look at the genuine smile of a child, we cannot resist ourselves to take him or her in our arm or in a lap. It effects just like a magic. True love is also not possible without a true smile. Everyone looks beautiful and smart when he or she smiles. Even the ugliest person on the planet looks nice when he smiles. Smiles helps us to forget all our sorrows and grievances. Smile at everybody. One can train oneself in smiling.

It seems how a smile can be peace in our life or around us. But believe me, this simple step can make a miracle if we take it less seriously. If everybody gives their bit by smiling, this simple step will turn into a big leap of a Hanuman.Peace begins with a smile, but get matured with kindness: We should bring qualities of compassion and kindness to inculcate peace in us permanently. Our journey of peace begins to smile, but it matures when we assimilate traits of compassion and kindness along with a smile. A peaceful person is always a smiling person, but it may be possible that a smiling person may not be a peaceful person. As smile brings temporary peace in us. Smile just gives us a taste of peace. But it is not at all peace in a complete sense. But without beginning, there is no end. So let us all commence our journey of peace with a smile, no matter what is the object for the smile. Just smile.

"Peace begins with a smile,

Through smile,

You can make any stranger

Your very own in a while,

It is infectious too

If one gives a smile to others,

He compels others to smile too,

The more we smile,

The more we feel good and light

And in turn, we feel more peaceful

Let us all smile

As Peace begins with a smile"

- Lokendra Singh

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