English, asked by priya646628, 9 months ago

article writing the flood in chennai about 300 words​


Answered by fathimasiddiqfathima


One of the significant causes of flooding is heavy rain. Water levels are forecasted to enhance in rivers and lakes due to high rainfall. The rain overflows and floods as it peaks over the banks of the river or the dam. Water is pouring over into areas surrounding rivers, lakes or canals, heavy rainfall or flooding. Floods destroy the regions where they move, and inflict posed a significant threat. The water started falling even due to massive snow melting. Due to global warming, the earth’s temperature is beginning to grow. The snowcap melts swiftly as temperatures rise. Constant and intense melting snow is creating floods as the water level of the river reaches the riverbank, rising the sea levels of the river. The major sources of flood are below-:

Rain: Rain is the world’s main cause of the bulk of flood events. Excessive rain is resulting in heavy rainfall to flow the mainland. Specifically along with the high intensity of the rainfall over a long time.

Lakes and Coastal Flooding: The rivers will overflow the sea or lake. It spreads downstream to the surrounding lowlands, popularly called as the flood zones. As a result, water releases abruptly into surrounding lands that result in floods.

Dam Breakage: Flooding takes place if large storms or tsunamis lead to the sea body rising along the coast. These overflows have destructive power because they destroy inappropriate structures, like bridges, houses, and vehicles, to resist the strength of the sea. Winds and tornadoes are strong and massive in the coastal areas, causing water to flow and flood over dry shore lands. When the ocean winds rain down, the situation gets even worse. The seawater can cause extensive destruction by storm or tornado.

The regions stay swamped until the waterway or storm water networks are fixed. Whenever the systems or waterways are not rectified, the areas remain flooded until plant species dissolve the surplus water or enter the atmosphere.


so plz give me a brainliest

Answered by pallavir2406


Essay on Chennai Flash Floods

Chennai, India had experienced record-breaking rains and flooding since early November. Beginning on 1 December, the rain intensified again creating more flooding and causing thousands of people to be stranded and trapped. An estimated 188 people had died, and over 200,000 had been displaced. Earlier in the week 3500 were stranded at Chennai Airport. Recent reports estimate it to be approximately 700.

The Chennai floods have thrown up some fundamental flaws in our system of urban planning. Across India, city after city has experienced floods, while some others live with the fear of impending disasters. In Mumbai, flooding was caused by wrong developments at the Bandra estuary and negligence along the Mithi river, and in Uttarakhand the disaster was caused by unplanned regional development and the unholy nexus between the land mafia and politicians.

The Srinagar valley suffers from an unfortunate geographical disadvantage of being the recipient of water from an enormous watershed above the valley. Meanwhile, in Delhi, the two governments are merrily building on the city’s flood plains, ignoring the ministry of environment, which is supposed to protect the Delhi Ridge and the Yamuna river. Calcutta’s new growth is entirely in the wetland area, creating multiple infrastructure barriers for surface water flow from the mother city, which in any case has a lower elevation than the Hooghly river.

In the past decades, Bangalore’s expansion had been at the cost of an elaborate pond system in the sub-region, a majority of the scattered ponds being built upon by land sharks. The Bruhat Bangalore Development Plan came too late, while artificial land values were created by project-driven infrastructure. In other words, all our metropolitan cities have ignored watershed management and environmental planning to their own peril.

This is the juncture in India’s urbanisation when thousands of crores are being poured into the urban centres, coupled with a policy shift in the Environmental Impact Assessment in order to facilitate ‘growth’ for easing the sanction process. All these are also ‘Smart Cities’, ‘AMRUT Cities’ and investment destinations for ambitious metro projects and they are identified as new growth centres of our ‘surging’ economy.

In the absence of a proper National Policy for Urbanisation, our metropolitan cities are sitting ducks for all sorts of natural disasters. Spineless local planning organisations, which are subservient to their administrative and political masters, are not willing to put their technical know-how on the table, for fear of punishment transfers and mafia-induced pressures.

The Chennai floods show all these problems can surface in other Indian cities. The geography of South India demonstrates how rivulets, ponds, streams and rivers emanating from the Eastern Ghats flow towards the East to the Tamil Nadu coast. On the other hand, this coast is also highly vulnerable to storms, dep­ression, tsunami and floods.

Chennai is one such area where an enormous watershed finally drains into the sea through its rivers and canals. Has any regional planning exercise recognised this primary natural layer on which urban development forms the secondary layer? No. On the contrary, the watershed on the west of Chennai has been the major venue for industrialisation in corridors going up to Kanchipuram further to the west.

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