English, asked by Daniya34, 10 months ago

article writting on the topic "BOOKS - OUR BEST COMPANION"
u hav to write like this

By xyz
para 1 - Introduction
para 2 - Content (it can be more than one paragraph)
para 3 - Conclusion

I'll mark as the brainliest lol ;);)


Answered by Anonymous






Books in our life is the most important and precious treasure.These are the sources of learning and knowledge. Books are like gold mines. They correct us when we go astray,amuse us when we are bored and gives us a pleasant company when we feel lonely. They provide us another angle of life's beauty. They take us to the places; we have never seen,the height which we have never felt and to a land which we have never imagined. If you want to select a best friend of your life then,then it's time to select books as your best friends because books can provide us a company in our good or bad time and teach us a valuable lesson of life.

But even the very best of books can't give you everything. The company of books will surely give you knowledge but it can't give you wisdom. No books can make you a great scientist .Newton was not born in a library .He didn't read much. He lived in the company plants and flowers.So,a library cannot make you a great poet or thinker. Even the books of your choice may only make you a bookworm.


You get knowledge from books, you get ideas but to elaborate that knowledge the idea you need to learn how to be social and people who often loves the company books are very less social. But,you cannot be truly great unless you see with your eyes and hear with your own ears. Therefoe you must come out from the books of world from time to time and live in the company of man and nature too. The life of men and life of nature must be mixed with the company of books....


This doesn't mean that you should stop reading books, but addiction anything whether it is books or anything else is not at all good. People who read books are the one with most knowledge but they fail to interact with people and so they can't share their knowledge with others in a right way or in the way they want to. Addiction of mobile as we all know and we feel too, it takes away from our beloved ones same is with the people who reads too much they too prefer to be alone they starting uncomfortable in the crowd. This is because when we read books we prefer to sit alone in a quite place with no distractions and as we do it again and again we love to be alone with just our best friends books and no one else.So now we can see reading books doesn't only have advantages it also have disadvantages.

Reading books is undoubtedly one of the best way to learn new things but without doing them practically, observing them you will understand it in its best form. So, it's not important to just stick to the books whole day and night.Keep reading and keep expanding your knowledge but also be social and not only a bookworm which is not liked by many people and it may go against you.


Sauron: ❤️☺️ Nice answer buddy ☺️❤️
Answered by Asmitapride
'Books are our best friends ' Human beings have many friends on some you can have trust and in some you can't . Apart from our living friends ,we aldo have non-living and the most trustable,reliable friends , they are books.
The books which from our childhood to the many years we live help her in understanding and knowing anything we want to know. If you want to know anythung just ask the books and they will help you like your bestie.
A great man had said, that-
''A shelf without books is like a body
without soul.''
As without our friend we are incomplete like it. without books we are like a body without soul.
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